I need to climb under my truck. This whole issue started when I went over a very rough section or road. I looked under the truck today and there is fluid on the bottom of the rack and on the line for the quadrasteer. I am wondering if I damaged a line. Th problem is my rear main seal leak coats everything. So some more investigation is needed.
Hit the local yard and nothing. Was strange how many clusters and rear ends had been pulled.
My experience as well. I have one of my guys at the one remaining pick and pull neer me keeping an eye out.
Were You able to fix the old sensor?
Where can I find the rear actuator for sale? Preferably new.
Is the actuator something that can be disasembled, fixed and reasembled?
Are there any Quadra steer parts that can't be found?
I am wanting to buy a quadra steer truck, but want to make sure there are replacment parts available.
Any info is appreciated!
Thanks, Chris
So far no info in on this thing. I have been driving the truck without the Quadrasteer. I really need to get at it and sort this.
What I have been wondering and not had time to research is if there is a part out there that could be adapted to work.
dean1484 said:
What I have been wondering and not had time to research is if there is a part out there that could be adapted to work.
Just came to recommend this. For this price, I would look into replacing the sensor with something else, even the high-dollar race car data logging parts are cheap compared to this, and they're very easy to replace. If you can find out what kind of signal the stock sensor puts out, you might be able to find something that can work with just mechanical adaptation. Worst-case scenario, you'd need a small microcontroller board to translate the signal.
If you figure it out, you could make money selling the parts as a kit.
Car-Part.com lists a whole bunch of complete rear axles from Quadrasteer vehicles in the under $1k range. Guessing at least some of those would come with sensors on the axle.
From what parts are listed at on Ebay you could probably buy a whole different truck, pull the quadrasteer stuff off it, keep that for yourself, and sell some odds n ends, and come out net-positive. Whole bunch of work but low cost.
Buy this truck, pull all the quadrasteer stuff, part out the rest (engine/trans/interior/body panels should net you your purchase price) sell the unused quadrasteer stuff on Ebay when you sell your truck.
I am legitimately considering purchasing a ratty gen 1 viper just to have as a spare to my nice one for pulling parts from. There is a rough one for $17k on the bay right now.
Try calling up LKQ to see if they can pull/find you a salvage one. They've been really helpful to me in the past when the local yards don't have what I need.
In reply to dean1484 :
I have a couple of the quadsteer stering sensors I would be willing to get rid of for 1500 . Email
Billy1488 said:
In reply to dean1484 :
I have a couple of the quadsteer stering sensors I would be willing to get rid of for 1500 . Email
So...Billy...what are those numbers in your username about? 
He's been a board member since an hour or two ago. Why worry?
A wonderful canoe Billy.
But since the thread came back and I was part of it.
Turns out my wheel bearing was bad (electronically) and sending bad info to the body computer. That was why when I'd start the truck, it would be happy to go into 4WS and worked perfectly. But at some point the signal would send it's little automotive brain into conniptions and the system would revert to 2WS. It would ONLY reset when you shut the vehicle off.
Tell tale for me was that the ABS light was also on (due to said bad signal).
Replaced the wheel bearings with Amazon special Chinese models 9 months ago and the 4WS has been flawless and uninterrupted since. It's neat to whip it into a parking space like a Miata. Quadrasteer FTMFW!
Never fixed mine. The truck has been relegated to home depo / lowes runs and when I need to transport big things. I have a couple other vehicles I have been using for DD stuff. I ended up replacing the pinion seal and changed the fluid in the rear dif. The hunk that come out has me thinking that I should open up the rear end and clean the pickup in the rear end that supplies the fluid to the Quadro steer. Oh and dam was the fluid expensive. It appears to be a GRM only thing. If I remember it takes almost three quarts of the stuff.