And by big I mean larger than 1440 pixels....
After looking at the stats some more I realized there are more of you than I thought, so I've added a third layout to take advantage of those big honkin' screens you have. Since I just knocked it out quickly this morning some pages may look a little off. If you spot one, let me know where it was and which browser you were using. Thanks, and enjoy the extra space.
Is this something where we should be telling the page our resolution, or should it figure that out on it's own and give me the right layout automatically?
It figures it out automatically. Checks it on page load and whenever the browser window is resized. On your work screen at 1280 wide, assuming you're viewing at full-screen, you should have the wide (but not x-wide) layout.
When you go home tonight you'll see it about 200 pixels wider, give or take.
W2K IE6 1280X1024; font is severely compressed unless I have it ignore font sizes and styles, which messes up some other websites. Is there a setting I'm missing?
I'll check the widescreens this weekend.
Crap, stupid work Dell box can only support 1024 X 768 max. Hmmm, time to write a business case for a graphics card update?
Is there any way to control which format is displayed? I'd just like to see how they differ...
edit - changed screen resolution from 1240x1028 to 800x600 and the forum renders the same?
On Firefox you can can go to view/page-style and select them manually. They're not significantly different, though. It's designed to change as unobtrusively as possible.
Firefox isn't playing nice with the site (1280x1024 monitor):
On the main forum page ( I'm getting about 4 inches of white space to the left of the list of sub-forums, i.e., Grassroots Motorsports, Off-topic, and $2008 Classifieds, and to the right of the left-hand navbar. Let me know if you want a screen shot.
WHOOPS -- I just logged into another Tab in FF and now the space has jumped to about 8 inches!
Also, in IE7, the tabs that appear lower-right @ each post are not rendering properly: I can see the boxes that delineate each tab, which makes the icons all look like they are flush right to the side. In FF, the tabs appear properly, i.e., nice, curved, trapezoidal shapes, and the icons are centered. (That said, if it were my site, I'd add a pixel or two of white space between the top of the icons and the top of the tabs.) :nice:
FF v.
Can't find your email on the site. Is it timb at grassrootsmotorsports dotcom?
EDIT 1: HOLD THE PHONE -- now the main page is working properly!
EDIT 2: But the tabs in IE7 are still bounded by gray boxes...
Had you been here before? Your FF may have been caching an earlier version of the stylesheet before I fixed that bug.
On Opera, dual monitor 1600 x 1200 and 1680 x 1050, it looks good with one exception ... the ads at the top of the screen are overlaying the menu bar. Firefox on the same system doesn't do it. I don't run IE at all.
Nutdriver, I've seen that in Opera... just haven't gotten around to fixing it... Pretty low priority at the moment.
I am running a 1600 X 1200 wit IE7 in windows XP and the site looks great, except for the readers ride section, which seems to shove the picture and comments section of a particular ride way off on one side with a HUGE blank space in the middle.
Tim Baxter wrote: Nutdriver, I've seen that in Opera... just haven't gotten around to fixing it... Pretty low priority at the moment.
It's no big deal since I don't use the menu bar. :nice:
I am glad that I use Opera, though, since it means I can reliably upsize the site to something that's readable at really high resolution. I don't know how the CSS is written, because I haven't looked at it, but the text ends up terribly small at 100% on both of my monitors (19" 1600 x 1200 and 20" 1680 x 1050 wide).
I won't actually perform my don't ever set font sizes in absolute numbers of pixels, how the hell do you know how big a pixel is on my monitor rant, because I'm pretty sure I've directed that rant at you in the past. However, consider that I've delivered it again, in absentia or something. :nice:
You'll need to log in to post.