I was on the way home from another long day in the salt mines. Heavy traffic even at the top of spaghetti junction here in Atlanta.Painfully bad driving as always. Self important boy in a little Scion van thingy flies past me in the little bit of shoulder.Then attempts to cut off the guy in front of me. Ummm congrats homey, that is a Secret Service convoy! Two 2500 Suburbans, a marked GSP Vic and an unmarked Equinox with 8,000,000 candlepower of flashy lights and sirens. And no you are NOT going to insert yourself in the middle.
Ahhh the sheer joy of observing rude boy stuff himself into the barrier as the convoy and I continued on. My life is now complete.
HA. I hate the ass hats that do that.
Here in Kennesaw a semi went over a forbidden rail road crossing. He discovered why it is verbotten when he high centred and got stuck. Hillarity ensued when a train came barreling thru. No more truck and cargo scattered all over the place.
Secret Service convoy? I'm surprised they didn't PIT him into the wall and machine gun the remains.
Thank you for sharing that! Good to know that occasionally the little asshats get it handed to them!
Ah, the sweet taste of justice!
I got to drive in a protection convoy once. Some of those dudes have solid brass ones. They'd go into an intersection and just throw themselves in front of oncoming traffic.
That's awesome.
I want the suburban with the minigun. Though, the RF jamming 'burban would be fun also. Gotta love people staring at their phones wondering what's going on.
i hate asshats too. except occasionally when I AM the asshat
Just got back home from a week in Atlanta. I have never been so glad to leave a city. I'm sorry to anyone who has to live there.
Atlanta is a lot better than a lot of places I've lived or driven in take for instance the entire state of Florida
sachilles wrote:
I got to drive in a protection convoy once. Some of those dudes have solid brass ones. They'd go into an intersection and just throw themselves in front of oncoming traffic.
Yep, a friend of mine rode motorcycle escort for a Secret Service convoy once. Part way through the route, a semi turned into the path of the convoy from an uncovered access road. One of the Tahoe's flipped the lights on and blew by him preparing to head on the 18 wheeler at about 90 mph. Fortunately, the truck driver saw the lights, realized something was wrong and pulled onto the side of the road. My friend was a grizzled old state trooper and even he was impressed by the stones of the earpiece crowd.
ahutson03 wrote:
Atlanta is a lot better than a lot of places I've lived or driven in take for instance the entire state of Florida
There's something about Subaru drivers from Oregon.
I think they're dispatched by radio to get in front of anyone doing speeds that may approach the actual speed limit.
kazoospec wrote:
sachilles wrote:
I got to drive in a protection convoy once. Some of those dudes have solid brass ones. They'd go into an intersection and just throw themselves in front of oncoming traffic.
Yep, a friend of mine rode motorcycle escort for a Secret Service convoy once. Part way through the route, a semi turned into the path of the convoy from an uncovered access road. One of the Tahoe's flipped the lights on and blew by him preparing to head on the 18 wheeler at about 90 mph. Fortunately, the truck driver saw the lights, realized something was wrong and pulled onto the side of the road. My friend was a grizzled old state trooper and even he was impressed by the stones of the earpiece crowd.
pft...there's stones and there's stupid. This sounds like the latter
New Reader
12/18/11 11:28 p.m.
It's the job. SS are there to sacrifice themselves if necessary.
Yeah, but why should I have to pay for... oh, never mind.
I have read the OP at least 2x over the last couple days and every time I get that warm fuzzy feeling knowing that all is right in he world.
Thanks for sharing!!!!
There's a road near my office that I take to get home. 4 lanes, 2 in each direction. As you pass through a light, the right lane becomes a turn lane and the left lane continues straight through another light and becomes a 2 lane road.
The left lane is always backed up during rush hour because the 2 lights are close together, and its the only lane you can go straight in. The dick move to do is to ride the right lane as far as you can and change into the left lane in between the 2 lights to go straight. I do this all the time, but if there is no room to get over without being a complete shiny happy person and disrupting the flow of traffic, I turn right and do what I have to (a safe u-turn, and another right turn).
A few weeks ago someone did the last minute lane change and cut off a county sherriff. As far as I could tell, the sherriff even appeared to brake to let the driver in. Then immediately pulled over the driver once through the intersection, haha. Probably only got a warning but it still made my day.
12/19/11 11:32 a.m.
I see this behavior every time I'm on I 95. Right side exit lane is backed up, asshats run second lane and then attempt to jump into the exit lane. Leads to much hilarity sometimes. Let's see, you're in a shiny new BMW, I have a crusty old Sentra and a bad mood, and you want what? Don't think so.
12/19/11 12:45 p.m.
cwh wrote:
I see this behavior every time I'm on I 95. Right side exit lane is backed up, asshats run second lane and then attempt to jump into the exit lane. Leads to much hilarity sometimes. Let's see, you're in a shiny new BMW, I have a crusty old Sentra and a bad mood, and you want what? Don't think so.
Why the truck does it have to be a guy in a BMW? I see this enough to realize it isn't what you drive, it is how much of a a$$ you are. You're a car racist
cwh wrote:
Let's see, you're in a shiny new BMW, I have a crusty old Sentra and a bad mood, and you want what? Don't think so.
Actually, I'm in a 3500HD dump body with a huge plow and you better think again!
This has been a dramatization. I am not really in a plow truck.
Secret Service...if they wore camo, carried service rifles, and drove Humvees around you'd think were occupied.
Still don't understand why we need contracts to do security when we're wasting these guys on details of presidential candidates...
12/19/11 2:05 p.m.
OK, delete the BMW reference. Insert "Shiny new expensive appliance with a blond texting" instead. Now I have insulted a completely different demographic. And I HAVE had semis do the same thing. I wimp out then.
miatame wrote:
Why the truck does it have to be a guy in a BMW?
You should ask the people driving them