The whole plan was to build a car for the Race of Gentlemen. It's gotta be pre-35. And I like the simplicity and abundance of the Model A chassis.
The whole plan was to build a car for the Race of Gentlemen. It's gotta be pre-35. And I like the simplicity and abundance of the Model A chassis.
I'm opening the search up to include Roadster Pickups. I think I can shorten the bed and extend the cab on one of those without too much trouble.
I just found something that might change your concept of what you want/need/lust for/....
The price seems... good... I think
RossD wrote: I just found something that might change your concept of what you want/need/lust for/.... The price seems... good... I think
This. I want this.
Why have a wimpy little T or A when a turn of the century La France is around? Find some pre-'35 one ton truck, drop in the flattie and make up a body.
Another 10 minute job.
Woody I have a friend with a set of A front fenders and radiator surround. Not sure of the price, but let me know if you end up needing them.
Still working on this. My friend hasn't gotten back to me. He has a nice salvage yard going. Just got rid of the 55 Buick. It was decent. Looked great. He said this model A was bought by a family member brand new. He should have the paperwork. Last we talked, he might have the owners manual. The engine is original and therefore locked up
Just letting you know what may be available before you go on a buying spree...
(he also has a 40's jeep for 2G.)
Today, I bought a 28-29 Roadster cowl. It's surprisingly solid and wasn't horribly expensive, so it looks as if that's what we're going to start with. A Roadster pickup is the plan.
Time and rain have conspired against me, so you're going to have to wait for photos.
Dammit, Woody. I went looking for you, but found a "for me." I suppose you owed me one after I enabled the buhjeebus out of you about the Prelude.
No such luck, sir. The money is there, the want is there, and SWMBO even gave a glowing approval(!), but I wouldn't have a place to hoard it away until this summer sometime.
You're good for a road trip to NH, swing up there with a trailer. If I'm around at the time, I could meet up enroute to buy a round and kiss your ass about how awesome your new trucklet is.
Garage shmarage, it's survived outside just fine for nearly eighty years! And trailers be damned, bring six tubes and some starting fluid on the Greyhound. grin
Llllllord, I wannit.
FranktheTank wrote: Saw this tonight.
Cool find and we do need a starter, but we're using a 1952 8BA Flathead.
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