Just happened to see this on marketplace and wondered if it's a bargain for someone at $200........The SN-96 tag tells me it's for a Mustang, but what else can you knowledgeable folks deduce? The engine in the pics is an LS, which throws me off....(more pictures if you open the ad link)
Marketplace - muncie 5 speed prototype transmission | Facebook
![Product photo of muncie 5 speed prototype transmission](https://scontent.fdet1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t45.5328-4/461512132_730133649294490_5770318029514741725_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s960x960&_nc_cat=111&cb=99be929b-68f0b82f&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=247b10&_nc_ohc=_l1D_O30PYUQ7kNvgFBDuDF&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent.fdet1-2.fna&_nc_gid=AiV1u6-RmVTDy0m6OyrjCcn&oh=00_AYCvJNTmigO2ULWG_ODjC1DXP_OiH2GgJhxHAKTO6GX_cQ&oe=6726BB62)
![Product photo of muncie 5 speed prototype transmission](https://scontent.fdet1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t45.5328-4/438079610_831711565720876_7936547976962545677_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s960x960&_nc_cat=105&cb=99be929b-68f0b82f&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=247b10&_nc_ohc=p0zbEZSFDMEQ7kNvgHCWokt&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent.fdet1-2.fna&_nc_gid=AiV1u6-RmVTDy0m6OyrjCcn&oh=00_AYDxDlSuh7QlV-SsolXweiozUETxPYVQf_7S4EHP4JPAQA&oe=6726C29F)
Looks like a new venture 1500 or 3500. S10/silverado. I'd rather have a 4.07 first gear t5....
that's definitely not an SBC/LS bolt pattern on the bellhousing, so i'd bet it's for the other GM V6 engines (3.something, i can't remember)
That is the 60 degree bellhousing pattern, so either V6 or 2.2L 4 banger. LS would grenade that transmission pretty easily.
I'm not sure an NV trans ever came connected to a 60 degree v6. It was pretty much T5 only in RWD applications.
It does look like the metric (60 degree v6) or Northstar pattern.
Unless, that is a prototype for T5 replacement, I can't think of what it would be out of.
Did they ever put these in jeeps or Isuzu? They share the GM metric pattern.
In reply to 81cpcamaro :
looks like the NV1500 behind the 2.2L in the S-dimes.
bobzilla said:
In reply to 81cpcamaro :
looks like the NV1500 behind the 2.2L in the S-dimes.
It's got that weird ridge on the top of the bell housing that doesn't look like the "normal" s10 bell. Other than that, id say that's it.