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Antihero GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
5/13/18 11:34 p.m.

I once drove my first car and current work truck into a lumber yard and had one of the guys just salivating over it.....its a 91 Ranger. Apparently finding one thats an xtracab xlt with a manual trans and manual hubs but with power everything is impossible. He half heartedly tried to get me to accept a modest sum but it was surreal.


Never thought i would have someone going that crazy over a 91 ranger....

Pete Gossett
Pete Gossett GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/14/18 6:02 a.m.

A former neighbor had a NA6 Miata automatic. It was in excellent condition, but this was the late-90’s before values began to climb. And it was an automatic. He was followed home by a couple one night - the wife just loved the car & had to have it. They bought it for somewhere in the $8-$10k range. 

My neighbor told me “When 2 fools meet in the night don’t be one fool walking away” and I always keep that in mind. 

He took the money & bought an ASC McLaren Mustang convertible that his son still owns. 

octavious Dork
5/14/18 7:37 a.m.

David speaks the truth, especially with an old 911, everyone seems to ask “is it for sale?”


I usually relate the story of how we drove away from our wedding in it and it has sentimental value. No one has pushed to buy it after hearing that. 

Tyler H
Tyler H GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
5/14/18 7:54 a.m.
octavious said:

David speaks the truth, especially with an old 911, everyone seems to ask “is is for sale?”


I usually relate the story of how we drove away from our wedding in it and it has sentimental value. No one has pushed to buy it after hearing that. 

As a prospective buyer, the story I'm hoping for is "She drove away from the divorce proceedings in it and can't cope with the 915 gearbox and lack of AC."


NOHOME UltimaDork
5/14/18 8:11 a.m.

In reply to Knurled. :

No worries, I am good with whatever you want to do to the poor thing....so spill, what is the plan?




octavious Dork
5/14/18 8:24 a.m.
Tyler H said:
octavious said:

David speaks the truth, especially with an old 911, everyone seems to ask “is is for sale?”


I usually relate the story of how we drove away from our wedding in it and it has sentimental value. No one has pushed to buy it after hearing that. 

As a prospective buyer, the story I'm hoping for is "She drove away from the divorce proceedings in it and can't cope with the 915 gearbox and lack of AC."


Lol. Truth be told she won’t drive it. One of the two times she tried she didn’t realize there was not a passenger side mirror on the car and she put a scratch on the rear quarter panel. That was 10-12 years ago and I bet she’s only driven once since then. 

pushrod36 Reader
5/14/18 9:23 a.m.

I was driving my GTO one day last year and I guy in a brand new RAM 1500 yells, "wanna trade!?!"  I told him if his was paid for to pull over and we'll do it.  He didn't stop.

DjGreggieP Reader
5/14/18 12:41 p.m.

I remember way back being pushed by a kid at a car meet about how much I would sell my car (Intrepid) for. I told him repeatedly it wasn't for sale. Like 5 or 6 times 'No price, its not for sale, no intentions of selling it' but he kept persisting so *finally* without flinching, looked at him straight faced and blurted '$60k'. He had a look of disgust on his face as he said 'Your crazy, no one would EVER pay that for that thing'. Dead faced told him 'That's kind of the point...' 

I also get people 'offering' me the intrepid's that their 'relative' has. I try to be nice, get the basic story of hasn't been on the road in X number of years, not sure whats wrong with it, doesn't run very well etc... then they tell me they would sell it to me for $2000 - $3500. I usually tell them I will keep it in mind if I am ever looking for a parts car. 

aw614 New Reader
5/14/18 12:44 p.m.
Erich said:

When I drove an EG Civic hatch I'd regularly get people asking if I'd sell it, at just about every gas station. A few cash offers. Always the same cash offer though - $500. 

it happens all the time with my integra too. B/c of how stolen Hondas are stolen in the area, I am just weary of anyone on the street talking to me about the car when I drive it, but I guess that comes with the territory of me deciding to drive the car. Most of the time the easiest thing for me to lie about is the car is a non-vtec model (it is by vin, but not by motor lol)

racerdave600 UltraDork
5/14/18 1:11 p.m.

10 years ago or so I was selling my 951 and was in the middle of showing it to a potential buyer.  The guy with him casually asked about my slicktop SW20.  Long story short, didn't sell the Porsche, but did the MR2.  Still wish I has kept the MR2, but I made twice what I paid for it.  

Ironically, a few weeks later I was working in office when my Porsche came through the wall and ended up right beside me.  A 14yo kid joy riding in his mom's mini van lost control, hit it, and shoved it through the building.  Cars make a lot of noise as they make their own doorways. 

Tony Sestito
Tony Sestito PowerDork
5/14/18 2:56 p.m.

Oh man, I get this all the time with my Trans Am! This has pretty much been happening since I brought it home in 2002. My parents live on a busy street, and many times when I would park it in front of the house, people would stop and ask. It got annoying real fast. It attracts an entirely different clientele than a Porsche 911, if you get what I mean. 

After I moved into my own house, it didn't stop. I consider my town a "car friendly" town, and lots of people, even town DPW workers, have stopped and asked about it.

The worst example of this was with one of the garbage guys. One Sunday morning, I got a knock at the door. I had just gotten up, pre-coffee. This guy is standing at the door, wearing town DPW stuff, so I figured something was wrong in the neighborhood. Nope, just wanted to see if the Trans Am was for sale. I nicely tell him no, and he leaves. A week later, he's back. I again tell him no. Another week passes, and AGAIN, he's back. This time, he has a crappy lifted Wrangler with diamond plate body repairs, trying to trade "straight up". Again, NO. Final straw happens when I'm not home, and he tries the wife. She was in the backyard, and this guy walks up and starts doing his thing.

She tells him, and I quote: "Listen... He's not selling it. Ever. He's had it longer than he's had me! Stop asking!"

After that, he found me on Facebook, and told him I'd help him find something else, because no, still not for sale. He FINALLY ended up buying a 2nd Gen Camaro instead, and only then did he leave me alone. 

I really need to get that thing inside my garage. 

snailmont5oh HalfDork
5/14/18 3:57 p.m.

In reply to Tony Sestito :

You've reminded me about the one guy at work that delivered a good one, trying to get under my skin:

"Hey, I met a fella over the weekend, and he seems to be a real big collector of Fairmonts. I told him about you."

"Yeah? Who?"

"<*insert name of local trash collector/recycler here*> HAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

Floating Doc
Floating Doc GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
5/14/18 4:23 p.m.

I'd forgotten, l have had some requests to sell. Got a couple of them for my 67 dart gt, which would be expected today, but was unusual in the late 70s when I had it. It was a FL car in upstate NY, so maybe it was the lack of rust. 

The other was my 79 panther LTD, which was nicer than when new, with fresh deltron repaint, steel wheels with the dog dish hubcaps, dual exhaust, perfect interior with bucket seats, etc.   Again, a car that sounds ok today, but who thought they would want one in 1990? Just me, but I'm weird.


Bob the REAL oil guy.
Bob the REAL oil guy. MegaDork
5/14/18 5:53 p.m.

I figure the truck, as it sits right now would take $10k to get it out of my hands. That price is only going up from there as I finish more and more things. Is it worth $10k? To me yes and more. Once the engine is rebuilt and the suspension sorted, pre-paint it'll be $20k. 

yupididit SuperDork
5/14/18 6:19 p.m.
Cotton said:

The worst I had was a ‘friend of a friend’ looking for a 12v Cummins powered Dodge.  I had a pretty nice one,  I didn’t have it up for sale at the time,  but my friend talked me into pricing it.  I said,  “okay the price is xxxx firm.  If he’s interested at that price he can come look at it,  otherwise let’s just forget it”.  Guy and his wife come over,  spend two hours looking at the truck plus all my other cars,  then offer over 30% less that my firm price.  Obviously a no sale and he leaves.

Then,  and this is what really gets me,  the guys buys a pos with a blown head gasket and has the nerve to call and ask my advice on the repair.


I’ve had many people stop and ask to buy some of my cars....I just tell them nothing is for sale and move on.  These days if I sell something I either consign it at a dealer or let my neighbor sell them and give him a percentage.  I’m done with the tire kickers.




You have my number and email. You know which one's I want wink

yupididit SuperDork
5/14/18 6:21 p.m.

I always get offers on my excursion when I'm at the Ford dealer. She's too ugly for me to sell at my "let go" price.  (10k)

Floating Doc
Floating Doc GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
5/14/18 7:11 p.m.

Do the bulk mail ads from the local dealers count? You know, the ones that say they have a shortage of used cars, and want you to trade yours in on a new car. 

I always thought that was the dumbest promotion ever.

Cotton PowerDork
5/14/18 7:54 p.m.

In reply to yupididit :

Lol well,  forum buddies are different.  I sell to friends (not family though),  but the people that just stop by to waste time,  then give a ridiculous offer, drive me crazy.

Wayslow HalfDork
5/14/18 8:00 p.m.

I sold a track car at a lapping day once. A guy asked me how much so I threw him a stupid number. He said ok then walked away. Two hours later he was back with a stack of cash. I came home with an empty trailer and a piece of my soul missing.

dculberson UltimaDork
5/14/18 8:15 p.m.

I had this happen with my video games. I’ve had a number of upright arcade cabinets before. I had one contractor who fell for a couple of them (Galaga and Asteroids) and kept asking about them. I was moving into a smaller place so I told him a price for Galaga that was 2x what I paid for it but said asteroids was not for sale. He paid for and picked up Galaga then offered me a number that was 4x what I paid for Asteroids and I finally said, well, I do need the space. I still miss it but if it came down to it I could easily replace it. Prices have gone up a lot since so I’d have to pay more than I sold it for, but $1000 to me now is not as much money as $700 was then. 

RealMiniParker PowerDork
5/14/18 9:06 p.m.
DjGreggieP said:

I remember way back being pushed by a kid at a car meet about how much I would sell my car (Intrepid) for. I told him repeatedly it wasn't for sale. Like 5 or 6 times 'No price, its not for sale, no intentions of selling it' but he kept persisting so *finally* without flinching, looked at him straight faced and blurted '$60k'. He had a look of disgust on his face as he said 'Your crazy, no one would EVER pay that for that thing'. Dead faced told him 'That's kind of the point...' 

About 15 years ago, when I still had my Mini on the road, in the best condition it's been in since I've had it (~10 years), a guy in an AMG asked me how much for it. He was loaded with gold chain and rings, dressed well.

It's not for sale.

"I want to buy it."

Really, I just finished building a badass motor. It's not for sale.

"C'mon, everything has a price."

You couldn't afford it.

"You'd be surprised. How much?"

Fifty grand.

"That's too much."

Told ya you couldn't afford it. cheeky


For the record, a guy gave me a deposit a week ago, and will be picking it up this week sometime. No, not for fifty grand. frown

Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/14/18 9:28 p.m.
NOHOME said:

In reply to Knurled. :

No worries, I am good with whatever you want to do to the poor thing....so spill, what is the plan?




I am thinking EJ20.  They fit in RX-7s, they should probably fit in this.


I think it would be interesting to have a rusty blue flat-four four-door that isn't a Subaru...


FWIW, the standard answer for m'y '84 RX-7 is $10k.  I always figured that it would cost me at least that much to replace it.  This was before I spent way more than Challenge money on a rearend solution that hopefully won't pretzel.  And rebuilt the engine.


You could probably talk me down to eight, though.


ClemSparks PowerDork
5/14/18 9:53 p.m.

I had a guy approach me a couple of weeks ago about my ratty Fox Body mustang I was out making sales calls in.  He asked if I'd sell it.

"I really don't want to.  I've put a LOT of money into suspension on it and I'm having a lot of fun driving it."

He left it at that (he could tell it wasn't going to be the $1K beater he'd hoped I thought it was).

If, in the future, someone persists after that I think I'll respond, "If I were forced to put a price on it I'd probably make you mad.  If you were to make an offer on it right now, you'd probably make me mad."

gunner GRM+ Memberand Reader
5/14/18 10:22 p.m.

I had my M5 in the shop tracing down the non op obc. It was one of the last pieces to be fixed before I sell it. So it did get repaired, and when I picked it up the mechanic asked me if I was still selling it. To which I replied yes, I am because someone needs to own this car that has room and time to enjoy it and take care of it. He made an offer at that point. $10500. I told him no, but i would take $35000. He was as interested at that price as I was of his, and life goes on.

Knurled. GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/14/18 10:28 p.m.
snailmont5oh said:

In reply to Tony Sestito :

You've reminded me about the one guy at work that delivered a good one, trying to get under my skin:

"Hey, I met a fella over the weekend, and he seems to be a real big collector of Fairmonts. I told him about you."

"Yeah? Who?"

"<*insert name of local trash collector/recycler here*> HAHAHAHAHA!!!!"


My first RX-7 had badly faded paint.  I spent a couple hours one night going over it with buffing compound, by hand, trying to bring the luster back.


Come in to work the next day, one of the other guys asked if I shined my new car up.  Why, yes I did. "Huh.  I guess you CAN polish a turd."


(He owned two non-running widebody Starions, and I drove my car every day, for what that's worth)

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