I guess this mostly applies to the eastern third of the country but here in Michigan we are getting the rain and 20-40 mph winds now. Hope everybody is making it through, the pictures look brutal coming out of the Northeast. Good luck to all.
I guess this mostly applies to the eastern third of the country but here in Michigan we are getting the rain and 20-40 mph winds now. Hope everybody is making it through, the pictures look brutal coming out of the Northeast. Good luck to all.
The sun is just starting to come up here in Connecticut. I'm at the top of a hill, so flooding was never an issue here. I lost power for about an hour when a tree took down the service lines to the house next door, but I never had to set up the generator. I lost three eight foot pieces of trim up near the peaks of the house, but nothing major. Fortunately, the wind carried them away, as I had a car and truck parked just below one of them. State trucks were going by with their snow plows down, clearing branches from the roads.
A firefighter was killed nearby when a tree fell onto his truck.
It was really windy here for about 12 hours, but I was very lucky.
It's amazing how big this system is. Like I said, we are getting it here in Michigan now, just the rain and wind but on a much smaller scale than the coast. Glad to hear the people on the board have so far been OK.
Here in N. Ohio just off the shores of Lake Erie. I can not see the lake from my house but the buoy data is telling me that there are 39 knot winds with gusts to 50 knots at the Western Lake Erie Buoy off Lorain, OH.
13 ft waves reported every 7 seconds are big for the shallowest of the Great Lakes.
Winds speeds off the water (on land) are about 10 knots less but still high.
All the schools from Cleveland to Toledo and beyond are closed for the day.
No downed trees, which is good considering my largest trees are right outside my bedroom window.
I will check later for shingle damage.
Standing water in the fairway out back but the brook has not crested.
Power stayed on!
In short, nothing compared to what others out east are dealing with. My thoughts are with you all.
In Western PA here.
I would not have known there was any major storm. There was not much wind. It has rained for like 4 days straight, but that is not that unusual.
We're fine, little rain, lots of wind. My son is on LI Sound, lost power last night, the town shut the water off at 8:00 (pumps were threatened). He filled every bottle he could find and then filled the bath tub to use as toilet flushing water.
The park and marina down town at noon yesterday, way before the thing hit.
North of Philadelphia here. Weathered the storm much better than I thought we would. We actually never lost power, only flickered a few times, which is surprising...in our snow storm last October we had no power for 6 days. Very strong winds, but no serious damage. On my drive into work this morning, I saw lots of downed branches and debris, but a lot less damage here than predicted. My house did fine, lost one window screen but that was about it. Only a tiny puddle of water in the basement.
A little bit of rain, nothing too severe here in Pittsburgh. Hoping those further East are doing OK.
Lot's of wind and rain last night in Toronto. Someone was killed yesterday by a falling sign on the west end. We were fine last night, power and internet stayed on.
Woody, sorry for the loss of your colleague.
Jeff wrote: Woody, sorry for the loss of your colleague.
He was not someone who I knew or worked with, but we all feel it when it happens.
vwcorvette wrote: The smart did not blow away. Repeat, the smart did not get blown away!
So you only had 20mph winds then, huh?
Slightly OT:
There was a lot of chatter on the radio this morning about Sandy and the Chicken Little Syndrome. Was it as bad as they said? Some DJ made a point about the 11:00pm TV news; Sandy was on its way out and not the FrankenStorm hyped up to be. They send their Anchor out in the firld "Go find something!"
If you cry wold too often, people will not prepare.
If you don't hype it, people get complacent, people die.
What say you?
We've been VERY lucky here (lower Delaware) too many times. People have gotten complacent.
This one was the same. It was a "mere" Cat 1 and people are already talking about how "mild a hurricane really is." They won't get it until we're wiped off the map.
The only local damage I'm aware of is flooding. Even the power stayed on in most places.
Personally, I spent a fun-filled couple hours yesterday morning on the tractor helping the police clear some big fallen branches out of the road just north of my place.
Yeah, we lucked out here again.
I'm on generator power since 9 last evening and the wind was insane but thanks to serious ice storms last winter all the weak trees were pruned. My damage consists mainly of yard cleanup and finding the deck chairs in the woods because I thought turning them over was good enough.
Pretty mellow in my part of Vermont. Had some wind. Irene weeded out the weak trees last year, so not much in way of damage. I guess we still have some weather coming, but I think winds were the big risk for us. Flooding doesn't seem to be an issue thus far.
Pretty much a non-issue here. Pretty windy yesterday afternoon and night. Never lost power.
I did some minor preps in case of power loss. .
Still a little windy but the sun has been peeping through.
The coastal area is where the major problems are. Up her in the hills , no biggy.
Baltimore M.D here we did have a lot of wind and rain here and the normal high water, power flickerd a number of times but no major issues around me I did see a number of trees and power lines down on the way to work. Just found out my sister and grandmother lost power early this morning.
Paul B
All of the leaves were blown off my lawn and into a pile at the edge of the woods. It would have taken me a week to get it looking this nice.
Annapolis Maryland here. Power went off last night (10/29) at about 7:30pm Came back on 10/30 at about 10 am. Crazy winds blowing everything sideways last night. Lots of rain. Couple of corners in the basement damp, but that is all. Fired up the woodstove this morning to take the chill out of the house and ran the generator to keep the refrigeration and freezer cold. Better to over prepare than not be ready at all...
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