4/23/13 8:50 a.m.
...and I don't think I like it.
I haven't gotten very far, but it seems (so far) very heavy slanted to old iron restoration (like 40s-60s). We stopped on the way back from TN for gas/drinks/my friend to get a break from screaming baby last 15 miles, and I saw it on the stand. Always been curious, and was hoping for more classic/interesting cars for sale around the country.
I'll get back to it again at lunch today.
4/23/13 8:53 a.m.
In reply to Jerry:
there are several other Hemmings mags that taylor to specific tastes.
Pick up Hemmings Sport & Exotic Car. That mag will be much more to your liking.
Ian F
4/23/13 9:24 a.m.
TR8owner wrote:
Pick up Hemmings Sport & Exotic Car. That mag will be much more to your liking.
Agreed. Although bear in mind that mag is also oriented more towards restored and stock "survivor" condition cars. Profiles of modified cars are rare and not the general focus of the magazine.
Still, it amazes me how they continue to find odd-ball cars I've never heard of. The most recent issue has an article about the Borgward Isabella, a mid-range German brand that sold a good number of cars in the US in the late 50's but then went bust in the early 60's. They made some interesting cars.
TR8owner wrote:
Pick up Hemmings Sport & Exotic Car. That mag will be much more to your liking.
What is sport or exotic about a Chevy sprint? I have subscribed since they started all three imprints and they are good informational reads. No tugging at the want though!
I pick up Hemmings occasionally. The internet has really pushed its benefits toward the back burner, unless you're shopping for some obscure old part that's being sold by a Luddite.
However, if you ever need to completely withdraw from your environment for a couple of days (think: weekend at the in-laws), there is nothing better than Hemmings.
4/23/13 10:22 a.m.
Woody wrote:
I pick up Hemmings occasionally. The internet has really pushed its benefits toward the back burner, unless you're shopping for some obscure old part that's being sold by a Luddite.
However, if you ever need to completely withdraw from your environment for a couple of days (think: weekend at the in-laws), there is nothing better than Hemmings.
We're talking a different Hemmings. Same company, different product. They make three car mags, Sports and Exotic, Muscle Car, and Antique (or something like that).
I've subscribed to all three at some point and now I only get the Sports and Exotic mag. I like it because like someone else said, it's not the same car but a different color like Hot Rod or the like.
The writing had improved quite a bit. I almost dropped them all because some of the writers try to use as many big, obscure words as they can to sound more intelligent. Just made them sound pretentious.
I also get S & E. Like others have said I always learn something.
4/23/13 11:54 a.m.
I picked up Hemmings Motor News. About 600 pages of fine print, a small section in the middle with a "showcase", and car listings mixed in with parts for sale. The articles in the front left me shrugging my shoulders, meh.
I'll look for the Sport and Exotic, thanks. My $$ situation is finally to the point where I'm out of debt (minus the house), and might like a fun weekend car that doesn't get dirty at a rallycross.
I did see several listings for Lil Red Express trucks at least. I'd still love to get another one someday.
I'll pick up a Motor News about once a year, purely for the giggles. "Wanted: NOS radiator cap for 1924 Mclachlan Buick."
The really weird thing is, there is probably a guy out there who HAS a rad cap for a 24 Mclachlan Buick.
I subscribe to Sports and Exotics. It's different, but I do enjoy it. And I really got a kick out of the Sprint article.
4/24/13 5:07 a.m.
Hemmings Motor News used to be nothing but classifieds, kind of like an Auto Trader without the pictures. I'm still trying to adjust to it having actual articles. Their other more mainstream mags are good to very good, but not what I'd call great. Collectible Automobile is by far the best (if you gravitate towards unmolested, mostly American stuff). Their articles are mostly very well researched and the photography detailed and attractive. Very few ads in it so you get more for your newsstand dollar.
TR8owner wrote:
Pick up Hemmings Sport & Exotic Car. That mag will be much more to your liking.
+1. It's heavy on Euros but has some Japan & USA stuff, too. Good writers, too.
I've been picking up modified classics "Retro Cars" at B&N. Lots of oddball Frankenstein creative builds which I am all about. Heralds, Imp's, Ascona's, TVR's, and on and on.

In reply to Gasoline:
I get that all the time,too. Some very interesting builds it in.
Wife signed me up for Sport and Exotic and Muscle cars. They're not bad. I get a few magazines to help pass the time on the train.
4/25/13 9:51 a.m.
Gasoline wrote:
I've been picking up modified classics "Retro Cars" at B&N. Lots of oddball Frankenstein creative builds which I am all about. Heralds, Imp's, Ascona's, TVR's, and on and on.
Must find this. Thanks for the info.
I like Hemmings Sports & Exotic and I occasionally pick up their "classic car" publication as well (the one that focuses on American cars).
I used to occasionally read Retro Cars as well and just noticed they have an iPad version. I think I might buy an issue or two.
Gasoline wrote:
I've been picking up modified classics "Retro Cars" at B&N. Lots of oddball Frankenstein creative builds which I am all about. Heralds, Imp's, Ascona's, TVR's, and on and on.
I love that mag but no one around here carries it. 
Actually it may be my favorite magazine cause it feature older car that have been modified in all kinds of cool ways.
Years ago I used to do air monitoring during asbestos abatement projects and had large amounts of time with nothing to do. I would spend a lot of money on newspaper and magazines to fight boredom. I would pick up the Hemmings that was mostly ads and could make that thing last a good long time.