I left puddles of drool around a black one parked at a hardware store in Belleville two weeks ago. Sigh +
I saw one the other day, too. Immediately fired up "searchallcraigs" to see what they are going for these days...
answer: still too much
I see them almost daily in the spring/fall. Of course, being their only source of new oem parts makes that a littel easier!
I still remember the first one that I saw, red, still in the factory wrapper, in Farmington Hills Michigan.
Absolutely beautiful.
You just had to bring up NSX's didn't you...
I think the double stacked wings might be a bit much but other than that and possibly the wheels this is one of the hottest NSX's I've ever seen (unfortunately not in person though).
Scoop isn't just for show either.
I know they're a little dated, and I know by today's standards they don't make a ton of power, but DAMN, they are sweet. The early ones are just perfect.
My best friend in high school and I share a passion for these. For my birthday one year he bought me the NSX factory "brochure" which is a hardback book, along with a blank NSX key and keyfob. Then he set up a test drive for me at a local dealer. It was red/black, but I was always partial to the one they never made; black/ivory.
... and yes, fasteddie I agree. The wing is too rice, and not only is it pointless, its a totally different flavor from the rest of the car. Wrong shape, just for looks, and it looks bad.
GOD I hate wings.
There are two in my town(Findlay, OH), one blue one white; AND there are two in the town to my south(LIma, OH)...both are "red"; although, one is orangey and the front clip is primer black. Seeing one is a shot in the arm. They are "sexy" for sure.
I saw a grey-ish? (I'm color blind..) one in Medina, OH last Wednesday coming home from work. I had to do a double take, it's the first one I've see on the road. They are in a league with MKIV Supra's and FD RX-7's; they still look exotic today.
I saw a red NSX today too. He lives around the corner from me. And I saw a white Esprit Turbo, and a black Europa, and a BRG Locost Seven. And a whole bunch of Harleys. Oh, and a 20 valve AE92. And that was just a typical day around here.
I saw one crossing the Kent Narrows Bridge (Maryland) sounds fantastic. the engine scoop should be plexiglass on the pictured NSX though
One time driving down the PCH in Monterey I was bullying most cars out of the way and there was the NSX. I don't respect a badge so I tried to get the guy out of my way. That thing was so well behaved through the curves I couldn't catch it and the guy driving wasn't even trying. Absolutely an awesome car.
Theres a black on on base, owned by some officer (not sure what rank). Its in great shape too, looks brand new inside and out.
I saw a Diablo kit today too.
A former boss of mine has a NSX. He took me for a ride on Tampa's freeways hitting tripple digits. I actually think the Esprit has more head room.
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