4/1/14 11:42 a.m.
I got tired of the old design (inside of plastic bins with concrete in the bottom) and since one got destroyed.... It was time for an upgrade.
Galvanized conduits boxes (1-1/4")
Galvanized plumbing pipe (1-1/4" x 3 inches long)
Galvanized plumbing foot thingy... (1-1/4")
pressure treated base, with feet on the bottom.
Once I took the sensors out of the white boxes... they fit nearly perfect (I had to trim the corners of the ones with the batteries, because it came in contact with the rounded bottom a tiny bit too early.)
and now we have tough timing boxes!
I do need to weld nuts in the screws (so they are useable without a screwdriver/penny) and add a lens in the front top make them fully water proof, but all in all.. they came out nice... and easy.

Great idea, I've never seen them done that way before!
nice!I'd be tempted to hot glue the resonator(yellow dangly component on the board) to the board to it breaking off. We've had that happen once due to multiple hits.
If a car gets it SUPER wrong at the finish, those could cause a lot of damage... If they become projectiles from contact with an unruly car, they could potentially hurt some bystanders, right?
4/1/14 2:00 p.m.
In reply to tpwalsh:
thanks for the heads up. will do.
In reply to Maroon92:
Not REALLY any more dangerous than the old ones... the old ones would become plastic shrapnel, and concrete bits, with bits of wood and sheet metal.
these will singular just be large, heavy bits. so now you just have one thing to dodge, instead of hundreds.
but to be fair... if someone hit one hard enough to send it anywhere near where someone was standing.... we didn't do our job as SSS's correctly.
Nice design! You could always drill a hole in the wood block to drive a really big nail through and into the asphalt to keep them from getting airborne if you were worried about it.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
Nice design! You could always drill a hole in the wood block to drive a really big nail through and into the asphalt to keep them from getting airborne if you were worried about it.
If I was a parking lot owner this would get you not invited back to my parking lot. Putting holes in asphalt and letting water under it is one of the best ways to destroy a parking lot.
You are better off making the housings as light as possible so if they get hit there is very little energy transfer in to what ever goes flying and thus it will not fly all that far or do as much damage to what it hits. I think they make those exact same components out of plastic (I think I have seen them at home depot) These would be lighter (I think) and if they were hit would not travel as far. I would actually make the base a bit bigger / longer so you can put a sand bag on it to keep it in place.
Very similar to what we use, but we used plastic conduit boxes and the wooden foot is a T with bolts at each end so it sits better on slightly uneven ground. It has served us well for years now.
4/2/14 8:19 a.m.
I did check that out (plastic vs metal) and to be honest, they weigh about the same.) the plastic is thick walled and actually just plain larger.
I should have put a banana in the pic (for scale) because you could easily add a sandbag to the base of these. (and that is better idea than what we usually use.... old brake rotors)
When I was your age, we used a stopwatch and a notepad. That was plenty good enough sonny.

Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm used to running on crappy asphalt and abandoned airstrips.
Sandbag sounds like a good solution.