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Peabody UltimaDork
7/14/20 5:23 p.m.
mad_machine (Forum Supporter) said:

Wait till next year when things are hopefully back to normal  They are working on vaccines and Europe and China are close to clinical trials.  Once people can fall back into their old grooves, they will unload the toys they are not using.

I keep hearing talk of this vaccine, but we're about 6 months in on this virus, and I think the fastest a vaccine has ever come to market has been 4 years.

Personally, I think it's a house of cards right now, and once we get the go ahead to open the economy back up we're going to see the real damage and it's going to be ugly. That should be the time to buy all your stuff back for pennies on the dollar

John Welsh (Moderate Supporter)
John Welsh (Moderate Supporter) Mod Squad
7/14/20 5:28 p.m.

In reply to Peabody :

The next big test is going to be school and what that will look like and how well that will work.  

eastsideTim PowerDork
7/14/20 5:38 p.m.

I suspect the stimulus check and the increased unemployment benefits are driving the prices up on toys.  The extra unemployment benefit ends at the end of July, so we might see a drop off in August.  I should put a bunch up for sale soon.

Carbon (Forum Supporter)
Carbon (Forum Supporter) UltraDork
7/14/20 5:49 p.m.
Brake_L8 (Forum Supporter) said:
Carbon (Forum Supporter) said:

I'm surprised, thought total economic collapse would make for some deals as a buyer.

re: brake-l8/reader's comment...

Maybe we should have a conversation about not turning every single thread into a sjw battleground. Maybe people can say things that you don't like or agree with and just move on and keep your opinion to yourself. 

Yes, sitting down and shutting up is always a great way to enact positive change in the world. OP didn't have to use that language while writing and made a deliberate choice to do so. Those who don't want opinions should consider what they post on a public discussion board.

As far as the actual topic at hand, a good friend and fellow racer just sold his two-year-old RV. Class C (?) on a Ford E450 chassis. I think he got full asking price within 48 hours of posting it for sale and hardly took a hit compared to what he paid for it. I was amazed.

What a hero. 

trumant (Forum Supporter)
trumant (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand Reader
7/14/20 5:58 p.m.

This reminds me that I need to get my 2014 Ducati Multistrada S listed for sale before the weather turns.

If anyone here is interested drop me an email at my username at gmail.

cmcgregor (Forum Supporter)
cmcgregor (Forum Supporter) SuperDork
7/14/20 6:01 p.m.

Carbon (Forum Supporter) said:

 Maybe people can say things that you don't like or agree with and just move on and keep your opinion to yourself. 

Ian F (Forum Supporter)
Ian F (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
7/14/20 6:27 p.m.
Peabody said:
mad_machine (Forum Supporter) said:

Wait till next year when things are hopefully back to normal  They are working on vaccines and Europe and China are close to clinical trials.  Once people can fall back into their old grooves, they will unload the toys they are not using.

I keep hearing talk of this vaccine, but we're about 6 months in on this virus, and I think the fastest a vaccine has ever come to market has been 4 years.

Personally, I think it's a house of cards right now, and once we get the go ahead to open the economy back up we're going to see the real damage and it's going to be ugly. That should be the time to buy all your stuff back for pennies on the dollar

Well, there's some promise, but who know knows... in the meantime, it's job security (I'm working on a project related to this). Normally, I would agree with you, but governments and companies are throwing a ton of $$$$ at this problem.  

But the massive amount of debt being created is a concern. 

Javelin (Forum Supporter)
Javelin (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/14/20 6:36 p.m.

In reply to Carbon (Forum Supporter) :

Dude, stop. indecision

dyintorace (Forum Supporter)
dyintorace (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand PowerDork
7/14/20 7:52 p.m.

I'm about to officially list this, just in case anyone is interested. 1996, 50k miles, Polar silver over Flamenco red, 6 speed. $55k. 

Ian F (Forum Supporter)
Ian F (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
7/14/20 7:58 p.m.

In reply to dyintorace (Forum Supporter) :

That makes me regret not buying a black 4S with aero package a local dealer was selling for $30K about 10 years ago. sad

Peabody UltimaDork
7/14/20 8:33 p.m.

In reply to Javelin (Forum Supporter) :

It needed to be said.

GCrites80s HalfDork
7/14/20 9:26 p.m.
eastsideTim said:
 GCrites80s said:

Used video games and systems are also through the roof.

Hmm, maybe I should dig out and test my original XBox and put it up for sale.

Ooof, everything but Original Xbox, sorry. Every time I say something like that to a customer they say "Oh like Original Xbox" and I have to tell them "Not that one!" That system is more like Intellivision or late '80s/early '90s baseball cards where it doesn't get to join in any reindeer games.

GCrites80s HalfDork
7/14/20 9:30 p.m.
eastsideTim said:

I suspect the stimulus check and the increased unemployment benefits are driving the prices up on toys.  The extra unemployment benefit ends at the end of July, so we might see a drop off in August.  I should put a bunch up for sale soon.

Limits on crowd activity and travel have also put the emphasis back on "stuff" as opposed to "experiences" which hasn't really been seen since the early 2000s.

ShawnG UltimaDork
7/14/20 11:51 p.m.

So, this thread has taken a turn.

I'm the "OP" that Brake_L8  is referring to and I've spent the last day or so thinking about his reply, and the discussion that has gone on because of my post.

There is a saying: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity".

I used the term "Kung Flu" to interject a little humour into the discussion and clearly, it went sideways. I don't feel the term is racist anymore than "Spanish Flu", "Middle East Respiratory Syndrome" or even "Paddy Wagon". The information we currently have shows that this thing most likely started in China and the Chinese government has been less than forthcoming with any information.

I don't feel one way or the other about Chinese people. They're just people, same as everyone else. I do have huge issues with the Chinese government but that's not racism, it's politics and plenty of people seem to get those two confused these days.

I have an opinion and Brake_L8 has an opinion. We might not agree with each other's opinion but we're both free to have an opinion, right or wrong.

It's almost impossible to convey tone in a text discussion.  I've never met Brake_L8 in person and he's never met me. Until that happens, I'm not going to form an opinion.

I'm going to leave it at that.

mfennell Reader
7/15/20 5:19 a.m.

On mtbNJ?  Yep - that thread is pretty entertaining. My screen name there is the same as here (and pretty much everywhere). 

Yep.  And same.

dxman92 HalfDork
7/15/20 6:51 a.m.

I sold my road bike after a couple days and a truck load of emails from people in numerous states for close to my asking price on CL.

Tyler H (Forum Supporter)
Tyler H (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand UberDork
7/15/20 8:56 a.m.

It's unfortunate that virtue signaling has displaced irreverent humor on the internet.

pointofdeparture GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
7/15/20 9:19 a.m.

In general it seems like everything related to consumer markets is downright wacky right now.

Good friend of mine runs a local little used car dealer and does the auction buying. He tells me that dealers are now fighting each other to buy stuff for $300-500 less than retail at auction and the profit margins are so razor thin that he's thinking of getting out of the business altogether. His words to me were that "this is the worst time I have ever seen to be a car buyer, both at auction and at retail." This seems to be true as I've unsuspectingly stepped into two bidding wars now for typical used vehicles on Craigslist/FB Marketplace. Luckily I'm working from home until 2021 so I can wait, but it's just crazy.

It does seem to be a seller's market for just about everything. I collect vintage video games and was able to turn some insane profits AND sell quickly to raise some capital for a new vehicle.

Some friends of mine just sold their house and are moving into an apartment. Bought for $105k in 2012, listed for $190k, it sold over $200k (don't know by how much but they said there was a bidding war). Makes me think about doing the same.

I don't know when this rollercoaster ride will end but I get the impression that this is a fleeting moment and now is the time to sell your crap if you've ever thought about it...


spandak HalfDork
7/15/20 10:02 a.m.

I don't quite know where all of this money is coming from but I sure hope the buyers aren't using government money to fund their toys. 
I fear for our financial futures if consumer spending is as wreckless as government spending. 
Also I want a good deal on a Ducati so everyone else should go away

bigdaddylee82 UltraDork
7/15/20 10:07 a.m.

You're all missing the larger point of this thread so far.

Cactus says he may have a gun for sale, and he hasn't told us anything about it!

93EXCivic MegaDork
7/15/20 10:13 a.m.
eastsideTim said:

I suspect the stimulus check and the increased unemployment benefits are driving the prices up on toys.  The extra unemployment benefit ends at the end of July, so we might see a drop off in August.  I should put a bunch up for sale soon.

Maybe partly but I bet it is more that there are supply issues for a lot new things (see bicycles for example) plus people that are employed are not spending their money on trips, going to bars, concerts, sporting events, etc.

pointofdeparture GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
7/15/20 10:38 a.m.

In reply to 93EXCivic :

Agreed. I'm noticing a particular spike in demand for consumer goods that facilitate activities that do not require packing into an enclosed space with a bunch of other people. Be it stuff you can do at home (video games, exercise equipment) or stuff you can do outside (individual sporting goods, camping gear).

Those who observe the distancing and isolation guidelines, especially those who are still employed, are not necessarily sitting at home staring at a wall all day, they are just shifting to new hobbies and finding ways to keep busy accordingly.

DirtyBird222 UberDork
7/15/20 10:41 a.m.

So does anyone want a 1999 Technoviolet M3 with 155k on the clock, a brand new headliner, newly reupholstered seats, reupholstered steering wheel, square soccer balls, and lots of other mods? It's got a chintzy amazon grill on there at the moment because the factory one crumbled to pieces :\ It needs a new starter (theres on in the trunk!) and possibly a steering rack. 


Snowdoggie Reader
7/15/20 10:44 a.m.
spandak said:

I don't quite know where all of this money is coming from but I sure hope the buyers aren't using government money to fund their toys. 
I fear for our financial futures if consumer spending is as wreckless as government spending. 
Also I want a good deal on a Ducati so everyone else should go away

Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we may all be dead, or starving. 

Ian F (Forum Supporter)
Ian F (Forum Supporter) MegaDork
7/15/20 10:50 a.m.

In reply to bigdaddylee82 :

We try to avoid the "G-word" here.  Nothing against them, but it seems to attract spam bots.

I agree on the spending thing... the more things go nuts, the more I want to retreat into my financial shell...  

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