Due to financial circumstance, it just doesn't make sense to keep her anymore. I just don't use anywhere near her full potential, and although it's bittersweet, I should probably let go. If you're in British Columbia, and have $2500 to spend on a custom camper with a bunch of bolt-ons, PM me. Since you guys are family, I want you to have first pick. The only thing it needs is a new pre-heater hose so you aren't breathing in header fumes when you turn on the air conditioning. It's a $10 part from Rock Auto. She may not be pretty, but she has no rot holes or badly damaged panels. She'll start every time, and is ready to take you across the continent and back. Only a 305, but it has a working LSD, a good trans, and decent tires. All exterior trim is complete, and the dash doesn't rattle. It comes complete and ready to camp. All it needs is love. If you're in BC, and looking for a great truck, let me know.
Does this mean no trans canadian road trip?
Gotta ask, what are you eyeing now?
Come on now man, we were all looking forward to following along with your summer cross country super mega fun trip!
Sorry guys, I've run into some money issues
. No cross-continent trips by car this summer. I'm currently eyeing a Yamaha BWS 50 as an in-town runabout.
I had to google yamaha bws, they dont call them zumas up there? A buddy and i once traded a case of beer for a "broke" zuma, i got it running in 10 min then we proceded to add lots of hop up parts, carbon fiber reeds, leo vince exhaust, rollers and springs, that thing was a hoot. I actually prefered it to the ruckus (rucki?) i had years later.
In reply to chiodos:
They're good little scooters, especially with a couple mods.
I haz a sad now
As a compromise, go for a CB350 and do an epic transcon on that!
Even trans-province would be a pretty impressive ride.
Chiodos, exactly the kind of project that the guy in the other thread could use (other than the case of beer part) Scooters can be a blast; I've seen some people do some ridiculous things with them.
In reply to XLR99:
With a CB350, I'd need a proper motorcycle license. Maybe once I move back to Ontario in a year and a bit, I will get a proper motorcycle license.
XLR99 wrote:
Scooters can be a blast; I've seen some people do some ridiculous things with them.
Imagine ridding all the way around Lake Erie (both US and Canada) on a 50cc pink Buddy Scooter.
In reply to XLR99:
You got a good point, they would be perfect candidates for a small enduro or zuma/ruckus. But im trying to sell the other kid on my gocart i got lying around first! Haha