This is a 1930s era video made by Chevrolet that does a very good job of explaining how a differential works. They present it in a way I'd never seen before and it finally made sense to me. Hopefully it will to you to.
They should probably bring things like that back if we want to teach the youngest generation how some of the things they take for granted, work
That video was actually discovered in the Egyptian ruins. It's pretty clear that technology didn't exist on earth so I'm not sure what you are getting at here.
I'm sure everybody been asked to explain how a diff works. All was good till their eyes glazed over after my second sentence. Next time I'm sending them here.
After the 1930-something New York World's Fair, GM donated a cutaway Chevrolet chassis to my HS.
And no, I wasn't attending at the time...
Cool video! Before I could only explain what a diff did, not how it did it. This site made me a smarter person!
As an aside I was at a parade once with MI state troopers doing a cycle demo like the one in the intro. During the figure 8 stunt one of them under estimated his speed, locked his handle bars and dumped the bike. Luckily the crowd gasped and it was loud enough you couldn't hear the others laughing.
i refuse to watch any video that tries to tell me that black magic and/or voodoo aren't involved.
novaderrik wrote:
i refuse to watch any video that tries to tell me that black magic and/or voodoo aren't involved.
+1. Next they're going to tell me Carbs aren't made of that too.
...and don't ever think about the sorcery going on inside an automatic transmission. Auto transmissions are evil of the highest form after all