Really angered. In the course of 4 months, it has:
-cracked it's windshield -eaten TWO muffler hangers -bent one of it's shift cables, making it very hard to access 2nd and 4th gear -just today, refused to start by way of grenading it's battery (the original, so I guess it was bound to happen) -and also today, developed a (hopefully isolated) "will stall unless engine is revved in neutral" and "misfiring in gear while coasting" condition
Maybe I inadvertently insulted it's mother or something...
See the thread in "Off-topic discussion" about which gun to carry. Buy the preferred model. Get even with the car !
Once my car was being unruly, down right awful. Running like crap. So I got pissed and parked for a month. 4 weeks later, I start it up and the bad running engine is fine. It just need to stare at the corner for a while to shape up.
neon4891 wrote: That last part sounds like a vacume leak after the TB. In my case, the TB gasket was blown.
I'll keep that in mind should it become a bigger problem. But it only did that for about 30 seconds before, during, and after a stop at a redlight, and then was fine the rest of the way home. So hopefully it doesn't do that on my way home from work tonight at midnight
Perhaps I will threaten it with Swiss-cheesing with some game loads from the 12-gauge in the closet and abandonment to zombies to scare it into submission!
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