I drove my 1996 Cherokee Country (automatic w/4.0 H.O.) into work yesterday and it stalled when I pulled in. I started it back up and parked. I drove it around town about 30 minutes later and went to the store. When I came out, I turned the key but nothing at all happened. I got a jump and drove it home. I turned if off and about 30 minutes later I went back out and it was dead. I took the battery out and Autozone tested it and said it looked good. I then cleaned the post on the battery and it started right up and drove fine this morning. Now, I took it up town and the engine shut off twice but started right back up again. I just took it to Autozone and it did not throw any codes. Any ideas?
first thing i'd look at is the crank position sensor. they can do funky things if theyre failing intermittently.
I didn't even have to open the thread and I was ready to type "check the crank position sensor". Before they check out for good they give you a few warnings....... Wilber beat me to it.
CAS failure wouldn't cause a "nothing happens when I turn the key" problem. Sounds like either a major electrical connection failure, or a serious battery issue that is intermittent.
As carzan pointed out does "nothing happens" mean that absolutely nothing happens...no clicks or nothing from the starter or relay...or does it mean the starter spins but the jeep doesnt start...If it spins the starter and that seems ok but wont start, definately look into the crank position sensor...they are notorious!
WilberM3 wrote: first thing i'd look at is the crank position sensor. they can do funky things if theyre failing intermittently.
A guy here at work (side-mechanic with Jeep experience) said the Crankshaft sensor would throw a code, mine didn't. He advised to start the car and take off the positive to the battery and if it died, the alternator would be bad.
WilberM3 wrote: first thing i'd look at is the crank position sensor. they can do funky things if theyre failing intermittently.
+1 check this first.
Fletch1 wrote: A guy here at work (side-mechanic with Jeep experience) said the Crankshaft sensor would throw a code, mine didn't. He advised to start the car and take off the positive to the battery and if it died, the alternator would be bad.
they don't always throw a code. mine didn't and it was the crank position sensor. (I have a 93 HO auto)
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