I took a few minutes and made the world's sloppiest battery tray yesterday.
Success! Then I added a 120v passthrough and a battery tender. This means I can charge the battery just by plugging in an extension cord. It won't be fast, but as little as I'm using this it should be plenty.
All wrapped up! (Didn't shoot a picture with the cover reattached.) Afterwards I used the lift to move some stuff around, and at one point picked up 400 lbs or so. It didn't seem to care, so I'm calling this a success.
8/7/22 9:30 a.m.
Was expecting Coventry Climax, am disappointed.
Cool little lift though. Hopefully it's good for pulling engines out of the back of trucks and what not. Could make a pretty sweet motorcycle lift too.
I had something similar called a "Big Joe". I wanted to use it like a pallet jack/lift but found out the way the wheels and legs were built didn't allow it to fit inside a standard pallet. I ended up using it as an electric lift table and motorcycle work lift. Handy to have around when trying to load heavy items into the back of a pickup truck. Raise it up to the tailgate and slide your heavy items(engine blocks, bags of rock salt, bags of mortar, MIG welder, etc) rather than lifting them with your back from off the floor. You'll find many uses for it. I'm surprised they aren't more popular for home garage use.
Nice buy. The older I get, the more "specialty" tools I acquire. I now subscribe to work smarter, not harder.
Nice! Now where do you store it?
In reply to Noddaz :
Since when has storage space been a consideration when buying something?
I think I can tuck it under a bench, which means it should only take up a foot or so of shop space for the mast/battery compartment.
The marine battery was a good choice. It will handle a lot of drains, then recharges, better than a standard battery.
Purple Frog (Forum Supporter) said:
The marine battery was a good choice. It will handle a lot of drains, then recharges, better than a standard battery.
Deep cycle battery is perfect, especially since it also adds weight where it's needed.
Yeah, and that battery actually came with the forklift! Sticker says it's a few weeks old. At today's battery prices that was probably half of my purchase price.
8/7/22 7:50 p.m.
Even though it isn't really designed to lift pallets you can still load a pallet on a couple pieces of wood that will lift it above the legs. I have a couple 4x4's that I use to raise pallets larger than 48" wide above the legs on my EZ stacker.
Tom Suddard said:
I took a few minutes and made the world's sloppiest battery tray yesterday.
And it's still better than as bought! You'll find a ton of uses for that,
I picked up something like this from a Rent-a-center that was closing a few years ago. Glorious. Mine's for pallets and is rated @ 2200lbs. Actually comes in handy pulling engines/cradles off the lift. It's surprising how many things I've used it for. Actually has my e30trailer held vertically on it right now as storage.
Saw this one at an aquantices rv junkyard today:
I once know where a rusty one was, I coulda had cheep, but did not have and concrete at the time, and thought my electric reach lift would have been running by the time I did.
Getting back to the OP, we still don't know what it is. Monarch Dyna Jack is only the name of the hydraulic unit...the name and manufacturer of the overall Work Positioner Truck or Pallet Stacker is still unknown. Does the yellow indicate it is a Yale model? Why is there no VIN?!?
In reply to pinchvalve (Forum Supporter) :
I think more than one company all copied each other, so probably not too important. The color of the pant is the only difference in a few I've seen over the years. And ad in the almost alike...
In reply to 03Panther :
Oh not important at all, but when has that ever stopped me from chasing down stupid and irrelevant information?
Weld Bilt?
The tag is a metal plate riveted on, probably got torn off years ago.
Big Joe also went with yellow...
But of course, safety yellow was used by just about everyone, including a shop person repainting an older unit.
pinchvalve (Forum Supporter) said:
In reply to 03Panther :
Oh not important at all, but when has that ever stopped me from chasing down stupid and irrelevant information?
That sure describes a whole bunch of us, in a nutshell!!!
How high can it reach?
I carried a bunch of shingles to the roof of a garage yesterday, and wished we had something like this.
Sigh, off to facebook marketplace I go.
In reply to Run_Away :
About 6'. The forks go all the way to the top of the mast.
I have one of these types of things for my shop space, a German variant. Jungenreich maybe? I dunno, a lot of consonants. Mine is intended for pallets, although the front outriggers prevent you from putting 2 pallets right next to each other like you could with a forklift. Mine's got a 1000kg rating as I recall, and I've definitely gotten close to that. The problem then is not so much the lifting, but the moving it.
Mine has a deep cycle battery as well, I've had it for like 5 years and the battery still charges and works fine. Same thing, I just plug an extension cord into the side. The charging module is behind the cover, annoyingly there was no way to see the status lights with the cover on, so I made some eyeball estimates and drilled a small hole in the cover, so now I can see the status light!
Currently it's sat ready to lift the truck bed off the frame so I can continue my de-rustification.
In reply to Wally (Forum Supporter) :
Where can one purchase this sticker?