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fastEddie Dork
5/24/08 7:41 p.m.

Friday - take off work. Pick up 24' box truck. Load 24' box truck.

Saturday - unload 24' truck into garage at new house.

Sunday - go to church. relax/recover

Monday - not sure, but nothing too strenuous.

Tuesday - work

Wednesday - work, close on current house in afternoon

Thursday - take off work. close on new house in morning, pick up smaller truck, load and move, spend night in new house

Friday - take off work. start moving stuff from garage into new house. Same for Saturday and Sunday....

Fun times! :whatthe: :nice:

jharbert GRM+ Memberand New Reader
5/24/08 8:43 p.m.

BBQ today, wedding tomorrow, probably putting the new electric radiator fan in the Ranger.

aussiesmg HalfDork
5/24/08 8:48 p.m.

Brought home the challenge car, finally, stripped out what will not be staying, started measuring for the new drivetrain. Made sure rollcage fits, balked at stripping the sound deadener....

Woodyhfd GRM+ Memberand HalfDork
5/24/08 10:01 p.m.

Saturday: Waxed a firetruck.

Sunday: Need to replace broken sway bar bolts on the WRX, if I can find Grade 8's on a Sunday, then get some propane for the family BBQ.

Monday: Take a Miata up to Lime Rock to watch the Memorial Day Races.

Tuesday: Enjoy an actual day off.

egnorant Dork
5/24/08 10:22 p.m.

Just recieved word that my Ranger is finished being painted!! Tomorrow is divided between finishing the last 40 feer of my fence and after 2 P.M. I can start bolting the parts back on the Ranger!!


914Driver HalfDork
5/27/08 5:53 a.m.

I'm rebuilding a brick sidewalk. Tore the old bricks up, dug down one foot and made it four foot wide, it was three. Friday morning a BIG orange truck dropped 22 tons of crush 'n run gravel in my driveway.

Friday: Shovel and wheelbarrow stone.

Saturday: Shovel and wheelbarrow stone

Sunday: Shovel and wheelbarrow stone

Monday: Shovel and whllebarrow stone:

Tuesday: Get a rest by going to work. My back is killing me....


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