Lots of good info in this post from about a month ago: http://grassrootsmotorsports.com/forum/grm/so-if-i-was-daft-enough-to-want-a-325ix/24940/page1/
A friend bought one after he fell in love with my 325is.
Compared to the RWD model it understeers...A LOT. predictably slower off the line as well. I was really unimpressed which suprised me considering how much I loved my E30. The ride height is around an inch taller than the RWD models and you can really feel it when you drive one, Not to mention it looks awful.
I had a 325ix several years ago. I'd recommend sticking w/ a rwd model for autocross.
I always thought mine needed another 20hp to make it 'fun'. A WRX would be better if you are looking for a dual purpose (winter/autoX) car.
I posted this link in the other thread, but here it is again: http://home.earthlink.net/~wardellhix/iX/general/compare.html Fairly simple modifications to the iX for track use.
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