Only people I can think to as about this. Anyhow, I have a set of the old TSW Blade wheels (the split 5-spoke) that were widely used in SM in the late 90s/early 2000s, to my knowledge (I bought them from a SM guy last year) I use them as a winter set for my e30 rallycross car, but one of them is pretty badly bent at this point. Was wondering if anyone knows of anyone who may have one or two of them still sitting around in a shed or basement or something. I know pretty much nobody actually races with them anymore since they're pretty heavy, but there were a lot of them out there at one point so hopefully there are some floating around.
Anyhow, if you know any SM guys with stashes of old wheels, LMK!
You might give the guys over at Meathead Racing a ring. I don't know how long they've been in SM, but certainly since ~2005 when I first met 'em. They're local to you, good guys too.
peter wrote: You might give the guys over at Meathead Racing a ring. I don't know how long they've been in SM, but certainly since ~2005 when I first met 'em. They're local to you, good guys too.
Will do, I think I actually know a couple of the guys that run with them. Thanks.
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