So my girlfriend has a 2018 Mazda 3 Touring. I'd like to add remote start to it. Seems like Mazda has a kit for it. Two actually. One that uses a key fob and another that uses an app.
Does anyone have any experience with these kits?
Do they work reliably?
What is installation like? Wondering of my meager skills are sufficient for to DIY.
I didn't do the install, as it was handled by the dealer before pick up, but had the key fob/non-app style installed on my wife's 2017 CX-5 GT. I think I glanced once at the instructions they included with the rest of the paperwork and don't recall it seemed scary, but easy to say when you haven't had to do it. :)
I don't know if things have changed, but while the app version seemed cool, I think it required an annual service fee to work. I tend to be allergic to things like that, so opted for the fob style. While a bit "old school" looking (it has a retractable metal antenna, presumbaly for more range if needed), it works perfectly every time we fire up her car from the house. The fob also has a two-way confirmation, so it does a beep sequence to let you know the signal was received and the car is starting.
If there's one thing I don't like about it, it's that opening any door turns off the remotely started car. I know, safety, yadda, yadda, but her prior Jeep Grand Cherokee would allow the car to stay running when doors were'd just need to be seated with your foot on the brake, hit the stop/start button on the dash, and drive off without having to shut down and restart. Not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things, just a programming miss, in my opinion.
Good luck...
Rotaryracer said:If there's one thing I don't like about it, it's that opening any door turns off the remotely started car. I know, safety, yadda, yadda
Sounds like an anti-theft feature.
Look at the aftermarket systems. I got one for my wife's CX5 last year and the installer told me that the local Mazda dealer sends all their CX5s to them. It is a plug in unit and works off the key fob by pressing the lock button 3 times. It's also a LOT cheaper than one from Mazda.
In reply to triumph7 :
I had a similar unit in my 2007 Dodge truck. Completely plug and play. Starts/Stops the engine by hitting the lock button 3 times. You could also get in and drive without the truck shutting off first. The only downside was that there was no feedback, so it doesn't tell you the car started. Luckily mine was a diesel so I could hear it from the house.
The aftermarket units are pretty seamless now. Go find the guy that does them for all the dealers, and hand him as much cash as he wants.
Quicksilver Automotive in Saskatoon does a lovely job. They are only about 2500 miles north of you.
In reply to amg_rx7 (Forum Supporter) :
No affiliation, but after watching the install videos for these I plan on getting it for my cx-9 now. The aftermarket kits won't cause the car to turn off after opening the doors - I generally prefer OEM, but that seems annoying.
In reply to einy (Forum Supporter) :
True...but the Jeep wouldn't let you drive off with it unless (A) the keyfob was in close enough proximity to the ignition and (B) you put your foot on the brake and hit the start/stop button again. If some rando tried to steal the car without the fob, it would just turn off.
Both the Jeep and Mazda systems lock the doors so you do have to have the fob and tickle the keyless entry button on the door to open it anyway....the Mazda just takes the nuclear approach and shuts it all down as soon as you do. Mildly annoying when (in my opinion) Jeep did it better, but not the end of the world. :)
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