I spend some time in the Phoenix area but live mostly in San Diego. It occurs to me that the worst Phoenix drivers are far more obnoxious. This is not a scientific study but that's how it seems. Additionally, I know that certain car brands are an good indicator of whether or not the driver is likely to be a jerk. It used to be Mercedes, BMW and Porsche drivers were the worst but I think now that late model Audi's are most likely to be zooming aggressively, cutting people off and be generally irritating.
My wife hands down. She has had people throw things at her. There are indents in the passenger side dash of her van from my fingernails.
Lexus RX drivers are known for ass hattery around here. Well... More than the average jackhole Massachusetts driver...
the worst Phoenix drivers are far more obnoxious
I live here and agree 110%
people drive so aggro and are just flat out stupid and unaware or simply don't care about anyone else around them. sadly it is a fairly accurate reflection of the overall mentality of the local populace.
and you should see what goes on in the more "unsavory" parts of town, it's like driving in an undeveloped lawless 3rd world country.
It seems like Prius, GTO, and any 1/2 ton pickup (especially Ram though) are popular choices for terrible drivers here (northern CA).
Travis_K wrote: It seems like Prius, GTO, and any 1/2 ton pickup (especially Ram though) are popular choices for terrible drivers here (northern CA).
Especially if the Ram has "hemi" emblazoned on the side. I have yet to see a Hemi Ram that was not driven aggressively
There's probably a strong regional element to this. I kinda hate perpetuating stereotypes, so I'll just throw this out: I'm on the approach to the Oakland/San Francisco Bay Bridge, and catch sight of a guy driving like a maniac in my rear view. He's weaving in and out in his Honda Civic (CVCC no less). As he comes near I want to catch site of this young ricer and if possible, give him the what's what. Well when he's nearby I make the ID. It's my 70YO dad, who still thinks he's the NYC cabie he once was.
Large vehicles. SUV's and trucks are the most aggressive. SUV drivers feel they're entitled to be where ever you are and will run you over to get there, you know, it's 2PM and they HAVE to get to Costco before it closes at 10. Trucks seem to be driven by old rednecks at 30mph or young ass hats at 80. Especially aggressive are "brodozers" with a lift, black wheels, monster energy and fox stickers, piloted by a skinny punk with a buzz cut, chin strap beard, and Affliction T Shirt. Caravans aren't as aggressive but do the most dumb things. They cut you off because they really didn't see you...because they don't look. If I see a stick figure family on a uterus with wheels I try to stay away.
Male Prius drivers. It's like there trying to compensate for driving an uncool car by driving it like an asshat.
Canadian truckers, its like they take all the most unpleasant people up there and give them international routes.
Kenny_McCormic wrote: Canadian truckers, its like they take all the most unpleasant people up there and give them international routes.
That actually sounds like a really good idea. I'm going to start a new business, Shiny Happy Trucking & Transport. Maybe if I only hire shiny happy people and send them out of town, there won't be as many around here.
Kenny_McCormic wrote: Canadians, its like they take all the most unpleasant people up there and give them international routes.
Granted, I live just south of the line, they cross in droves every day.
The Canasians and Canindians are the worst but the white 'nucks aren't much better.
SnowMongoose wrote:Kenny_McCormic wrote: Canadians, its like they take all the most unpleasant people up there and give them international routes.FTFY. Granted, I live just south of the line, they cross in droves every day. The Canasians and Canindians are the worst but the white 'nucks aren't much better.
Yup we are the second largest country in the world by total area and you are able to figure out that we ALL drive like total shiny happy people based on your own personal observation.
I know because of your job, you aren't partial to us but holy cow that is quite the generalization.
In reply to SnowMongoose:
I live just North of the line(Detroit is NORTH of Canada) and don't really have a problem with them, unless you give them 18 wheels, then all hell breaks loose.
Funny I was about to say lost American tourists, but in the interest of truth I will amend it to Buick drivers wearing hats regardless of origin.
NGTD wrote: Yup we are the second largest country in the world by total area and you are able to figure out that we ALL drive like total shiny happy people based on your own personal observation. I know because of your job, you aren't partial to us but holy cow that is quite the generalization.
Don't get me wrong, the Canadians I've encountered IN Canada have been fine.
But the kind of person who is willing to cross an international border to save money on milk and cheese isn't usually the kind of person who takes the time to be considerate... on or off the road.
It's almost funny, I do my best to drive MORE courteously when I'm in another country.
As for your total area argument, it's bunk
I learned from Canadian Bacon that (to quote Nat Geo) "an estimated 75 percent of Canadians live within 161 kilometers (100 miles) of the U.S. border."
Yeah and that border just happens to be 8891 km long.
You lumped the other 25 % of us that don't live that close in with everyone else. I understand your point about people that are looking to save a couple of bucks on milk, but you're not getting my point that your post takes your personal experience and applies it across a whole country.
I don't base my whole opinion of US citizens based on a few unpleasant experiences I had with some of them.
From my observations the most aggressive drivers are younger males in BMW 3 Series and males in Ram trucks. Both will pull up on your rear bumper giving you a mirror full and then pass w/ a show of power.
I've thought this for years btw.
I kind of get the BMW thing but why don't all PU drivers pass that way. Only thing I can figure is that hood gives the driver some kind of 'big rig' feel but I dunno, never drove one.
The most obnoxious are usually luxury car drivers IMO but may also be the self-entitled ones driving anything. Their problem is the rest of the world doesn't know just how damn important they are. Maybe they should have special marker lights or something. That way the rest of the world could get out of their precious way.
These days Audi has definitely taken the crown as the top douche brand, but BMW and Mercedes are still in the running. But I think brodozers might be the top group overall.
We have our choice of crappy drivers here in Massachusetts, but it has to be pick-up truck (all makes/models/weight classes) drivers at the top of the list. Couple the way that they drive with the debris that they leave in their wake and they win the prize for sure.
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