'Flying Car' Makes Maiden Flight
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
It's not really a flying car. But it's still pretty cool.
The Transition "roadable aircraft" has made a successful maiden flight, according to Terrafugia, the company that is developing it.
Media were not present at the airstrip in Plattsburgh, NY when the test took place, but the company has released photos and videos chronicling the event.
With front-wheel drive and fold up wings, the aircraft is capable of being driven on public roads at highway speeds and will fit in a standard garage. What it can't do, legally, is take off and land from anywhere other than an approved general aviation airport.
The vehicle is expected to go on sale as early as 2011 for around $194,000. A small price to pay to say you have a "flying car." Air quotes are required whenever you do.
not the prettiest thing to ever hit the air or the road.. but it is a nice start!
There was a company building aircars back in the 1940s, and again in the 1970s - that one was based on a Pinto, they used one in a James Bond movie. In both cases they built a handful and went out of business. I don't think the idea will ever take off (no pun intended.)
I would rather have a mooney and a normal car. Buy both and oporate them for a long time for the same price.
3/23/09 1:16 p.m.
neon4891 wrote:
I would rather have a mooney and a normal car. Buy both and oporate them for a long time for the same price.
Well, the problem with that approach is that you can drive to the airport, fly to another airport, but then have to rent a car to get around. While the flying car bit still has to point-to-point from airports, you don't have to deal with car rental.
Not a lot of people will be able to take advantage of it, but it could be a fun option for a number of people (like those that have houses right on a little airstrip).
I wonder if my Geico policy will cover it?
Imagine getting OUT of a commercial airport and onto the road (or maybe more particularly vice versa) in something like that. Think Security. Whew!
Too bad Molt Taylor beat him to it 50 years ago.

3/23/09 9:12 p.m.
The old fashioned one actually looks no more ungainly than the modern attempt.
My dad lives on a private airport. He does the simple thing for way less then that amount of money, one plane and 2 cars (well 5 cars). His twin Cessna 310 will outly that little thing and the Cobalt SS and 360 V8 Ambassador will outrun it on the road.
It is seriously cool to fly to/from home.