Somebeach Reader
12/7/19 7:20 p.m.

My 1983 corolla wagon currently has 0 horsepower.  This one has 700+!!

I am not sure how to embed this video .


John Welsh
John Welsh Mod Squad
12/7/19 8:11 p.m.

How to embed... 

When you're posting, do you see the B icon for bold and the I icon for italics? 

Below that is a icon that is a picture of the sun and a mountain  which you use for posting pictures. 

Next to that icon is an icon that sort of looks like a tablet. Use that to embed.  When you click that icon, just paste in the same url that you posted in your original thread. 

So to embed just, icon, paste, done. 

Floating Doc
Floating Doc GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
12/7/19 8:27 p.m.

Cool car. Love wagons, love unique cars.

Let me help.


SkinnyG UltraDork
12/7/19 8:54 p.m.

Awesome! Just awesome!

Somebeach Reader
12/7/19 8:58 p.m.

In reply to John Welsh :

Got it thanks. Great directions !

snailmont5oh Dork
12/7/19 10:37 p.m.

Is that “The Corolla With The Scrolla”?

I’m sorry. I’ll see myself out. 

Crash Enburn
Crash Enburn New Reader
12/10/19 6:23 p.m.


Billy_Bottle_Caps SuperDork
12/10/19 9:14 p.m.


A 401 CJ
A 401 CJ GRM+ Memberand Dork
12/11/19 7:53 a.m.

Oh great.  Now we can embed.






Duke MegaDork
12/11/19 8:31 a.m.
John Welsh said:

How to embed... 

When you're posting, do you see the B icon for bold and the I icon for italics? 

Below that is a icon that is a picture of the sun and a mountain  which you use for posting pictures. 

Next to that icon is an icon that sort of looks like a tablet. Use that to embed.  When you click that icon, just paste in the same url that you posted in your original thread. 

So to embed just, icon, paste, done. 

To be fair, whether that actually works or not tends to gust around quite a bit.


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