Just got this in our mailbox; we love programs like this and the Street Survival courses put on by the BMW CCA Foundation. The folks who put this SurvivetheDrive program together are asking for some voting help to get a piece of the Pepsi "Refresh" grants that are going around, so we thought we'd ask our message board regulars to throw a vote their way. I've pasted their message below...
Education is the best way to prevent these heartbreaking tragedies. SurvivetheDrive® is a school program aimed at driver violence prevention.
By simply voting for SurvivetheDrive, you can help us win a $50,000 grant from Pepsi so we can extend our program. It costs you nothing. Just click here to vote:
This is a Pepsi community service project. Vote now, from April 1st, and vote as often as you can—once a day—throughout April. Please forward this to friends, family and acquaintences. If you're on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, LinkedIn, spread the word. The more widely this is distributed, the more people will be voting repeatedly.
We’ve made presentations to 10,000 high school students over the past year. You can help us do more. Please vote—and vote often. Forward this to your friends. Check out our website: www.survivethedrive.org.
Once again: http://www.refresheverything.com/how-it-works Just click on it.
SurvivetheDrive is a 501c(3), not-for-profit educational organization. Thank you!