Saw this on my local Craigs. Impressive amount of miles!
I didn't realize / remember that they had one as a project car. Mine's even the same color. I will have to see if I can dredge around under my bed for the back issues. Any idea of approximately when that was?
That thing's got a lot of miles on it!
I really miss Per He always had the most interesting projects.
2002maniac wrote: That thing's got a lot of miles on it! I really miss PerHe always had the most interesting projects.
You're right about that. I think that may be part of the reason the magazine is ever so slightly less interesting to me now. I used to read every page cover to cover at least twice but lately they are holding my attention just a little bit less. I liked Per's writing and his projects were always very interesting. I particularly remember vividly the engine rebuild articles on this particular project car. And the rally SAAB.
Of course it may just be that I have changed over the years as well. Not having a car to play with and even if I did no money to do anything with it for so long has really made me change the way I approach life.
turboswede wrote:
Awesome, thanks.'re making me blush.
DILYSIDave posted that on my FB page—I didn't know Jeff was selling it. It certainly treated him well!
Since Per is probably too classy (and perhaps too busy, between his still-crazy project car schedule and fast-growing brood of three gorgeous kids) to plug himself, let me do it for him. He writes for MotoIQ now and has a regular column. Here's the link: Garage Love
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