Since aircraft stripper is no longer available, whats the good stuff? I have a valve cover and set of wheels to take down to bare aluminum to polish for the challenge car, and don't want to spend the summer sanding off paint. Also, no blasting cabinet or equipment to support one.
It isn't available? I'm fairly sure I saw some the other day. Did they change the recipe, maybe?
I've used the citrus stuff before with decent results. Generally if I don't get good results I just go apply it a second time and let it go a little longer.
Oven cleaner? May not be appropriate for Aluminum.
M2Pilot said:
Oven cleaner? May not be appropriate for Aluminum.
Not recommended, for sure. If you use it make sure you neutralize the base of the lye with some vinegar. Rinse with plenty of water after
Mr_Asa said:
It isn't available? I'm fairly sure I saw some the other day. Did they change the recipe, maybe?
I've used the citrus stuff before with decent results. Generally if I don't get good results I just go apply it a second time and let it go a little longer.
So, parts store has a "reformulated " aircraft stripper. Without sone methasomething in it. Is it any good any more? At $20 for a little can, im hesitant.
Methylene chloride. Chemical strippers for home use were all reformulated to not use the stuff in 2018 or 2019. It's a crappy situation. I used to use Citri-Strip for furniture projects and loved the stuff. Now it's pretty much garbage. Read the reviews at your big box store's website to see what folks are getting best results with but don't expect anything as good as you remember from years back. My hope is that, at some point, something else is found which isn't thought to be a cancer causing agent like methylene chloride is and strippers become more useful again. As it is, my recommendation is, get used to sanding as part of your refinishing scheme.
It wasn't that the stripper containing methylene chloride caused cancer (it probably does, like everything else), it was that if used improperly, that is, in an enclosed space, it can cause asphyxiation by displacing oxygen in the bloodstream. Apparently a few people used it in bathrooms and died. The families lobbied lawmakers and in the panic, they first required a picture of a bathtub with a slash through it to be added to the label as a warning for those that didn't read the instructions or get the hint from the caustic, eye-watering fumes. Not satisfied, lawmakers received more pressure to ban the chemical from consumer-grade strippers. The squeaky wheels won and it was removed. Ladders caused more deaths and only got covered in bumper stickers to warn you of the certain doom facing you should you dare to climb their lofty heights.
I too recently used up my jug of old Citri-Strip, mid project, and learned of the government saving me from myself. I found no effective strippers anywhere this side of mainland China. Let us know if you find a solution.
I bought a gallon of Aircraft Remover and didn't notice the "now without methylene chloride!" label on it.
It's crap. Nothing like it used to be.
So I should reserve this half can I have for something really important?
All I can tell you is DO NOT hire someone to strip paint for you. I hired a stripper from Craigslist and she was NOT dressed appropriately to handle chemicals.
If you can find someplace that will ship you Loctite SF 790, it's good stuff.
Patrick (Forum Supporter) said:
So I should reserve this half can I have for something really important?
No, use it. It goes bad in the can.
Cancer, no oxygen, whatever.
I used this (from Home Depot) to strip several layers of paint from a hood. It worked, albeit more slowly than methylene chloride. It began drying out quickly, but covering in plastic while it did it's thing helped.