curtis73 wrote:
I want to use those "johnny joints" for my next build.
But Johnny joints use urethane bushings in exactly the same manner that everyone here is complaining about. It is a metal ball rotating in 2 urethane sockets. All the wear problems and sticking problems of urethane apply to them too.
Besides have you ever held one in your hand? They are freaking massive. A 9/16" JJ is almost 10lbs and larger than my balled up fist...and I have huge hands!
Taiden wrote:
To add onto what skinnyg said, a few people have been known to add zerks to the 'bushing race' I suppose you could call it. Then you can grease them with a grease gun in a matter of minutes.
I've always wanted to try a spherical bearing that was pressed into a poly bushing. Sounds crazy I know, but I still would like to try to make one someday.
Not crazy. Lot's of companies are doing just this. I'm pretty sure I have a product sample like that lying around somewhere. If I'm not mistaken they did that with certain Mitsu Evo links.