I just picked up a project '87 924S. While chasing all the electrical gremlins, I came across this.
I pulled off the intake boot, looked around and couldn't find anyplace to plug it in.
That looks like one of the fuel injector plugs! Look underneath that black plastic thing on the left of the photo, that's covering the fuel rail. The injector plugs come from underneath the intake runners and plug into the bottom of the injectors, IIRC.
Idle Control Valve under the intake manifold between the 2 and 3 cylinders.
If it is running and the idle is erratic, that is definitely what it is.
Javelin wrote: That looks like one of the fuel injector plugs!Look underneath that black plastic thing on the left of the photo, that's covering the fuel rail. The injector plugs come from underneath the intake runners and plug into the bottom of the injectors, IIRC.
The great thing about old German iron is that every single connector on the engine is identical, unless there are more pins.
I actually have that exact car I can go look tomorrow if you want. But yes probably the Idle Speed control valve as it is in that location.
Wait it could be the DME temp sensor It looks exactly like that. I have an engine harness in my bench I will look.
Nope not the DME temp plug that is blue and not an injector as the wire running to them are grey and that appears to be brown so I vote ISCV
Thanks for the help. The Idle Control Valve sounds plausible. The car idles a 1200 rpms, so maybe the PO cranked up the idle to overcome a bad ISCV. Once the snow lets up, I'll go do some investigating.
I've owned over 30 VWs, so the 924 has a lot of familiar parts. The headlight switch was melted, so I put in one from my spare Vanagon. I had to jump a couple pins and manually raise the headlights, but it works.
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