My buddy Jamie(Kiwi) Melhuish is there competing in his Green bmw time attach #317. They just finished the car last monday am and drove non stop from VT to get there. He is with my my buddy Cyrus who is crewing for him. Good folks, say hi. Forgive them if they seem a little tired.
Missed it last year because my ex gf dumped me and I had to move out like a month before. Super pissed, it was the last year of dirt sections. Luckily, I moved back to Ohio.
I'd still like to get out there to see it, seems like it may have lost some magic without the dirt though. :(
Not going this year, but I've been 19 times. This year will be super hot (I've seen it snow like mad in previous years) and at the upper elevations in particular (devil's playground, etc) be SURE to use plenty of high-SPF sunscreen. If you're from low altitudes, you'll be amazed at how fast you can get an astounding sunburn at altitude. Careful of the alcohol consumption, too, don't fall off any cliffs. I've seen more medical delays caused by incautious spectators than by race car crashes.
And while we're at it, anyone want to guess how far under 9 minutes Loeb will take the record? Anybody else think that given perfect conditions (never a given on the mountain) he can do an 8:30? I was there when Roddy took about 40 seconds off the overall record, so big jumps can happen when there are big steps in technology and road conditions.
Beans, last year was the first year of full pavement. It's still pretty awesome.
I'll be there, camping at Ski Area and probably spectating from Devil's Playground. We're driving out tomorrow, watch for a gold Vanagon with dark grey wheels climbing the mountain.
I can't wait to see Loeb. I've been a fan of his for years, and it was pretty obvious last year that there was going to be a massive change in approach to the event. He was massively faster than Millen in practice. I just hope the thunderstorms stay clear so he's got a dry run, but it's not like he can't handle tricky road conditions!
I'm just watching live on the website. Kids are too young to take to the mountain. Maybe next year we can all meet up for pizza and beer.
Finally remembered to turn on the feed just after the motorcycles finished.
This is definitely a race I want to attend, it's one of my favorite races ever.
All asphalt or not.
I'm so happy with Loeb's run, they are staying with the Helicopter view and these dumbass announcers, instead of giving us the in car view.
This producer sucks.
RedBull production quality is the suxxors. These can't be the same people who brought us that outstanding broadcast from the edge of space.
Loeb just put in a great time, but there is no word if is the record-breaker.
Ambulance and safety crew on the road just after Dumas and Millen started their runs; hopefully everything is OK.
mndsm wrote: Loeb- 8:13.878. Holy E36 M3.
Would have been nice to see it in-car vs listening to these amateurs try to bring us the event.
sachilles wrote: My buddy Jamie(Kiwi) Melhuish is there competing in his Green bmw time attach #317. They just finished the car last monday am and drove non stop from VT to get there. He is with my my buddy Cyrus who is crewing for him. Good folks, say hi. Forgive them if they seem a little tired.
Pretty sure he's the one that just popped his radiator at the start line and had to withdraw.
8:13.878 - WOW! Just wow. I expected a spectacular time, but that's just amazing. Like Keith, I've been a fan of Seb's for years, but this is just something else. That time will stand for a long time to come. All who got to see that should consider themselves privileged to have been there at a classic moment in motorsports.
Jim Pettengill wrote: 8:13.878 - WOW! Just wow. I expected a spectacular time, but that's just amazing. Like Keith, I've been a fan of Seb's for years, but this is just something else. That time will stand for a long time to come. All who got to see that should consider themselves privileged to have been there at a classic moment in motorsports.
It's an amazing time, yes, no doubt about it.
But the unlimited class will quickly take care of it. Dont be surprised if the top class next year is approaching the 7 min mark. More hp, more aero, and good may well be Loeb that does it.
But now that it's an asphalt race, the times will drop quickly. I suspect before the end of this decade we will see a run at 6:59 or quicker.
I agree. I think they're just getting their feet wet with what they're bringing up the hill. If Millens cars are any indication, it won't be long before we see LMP prototypes going up the hill. Gone are the days of the winged wonders that were the Dallenbach style racer. Notice, we saw a PILE of crotch rockets on the hill, some damn close to sub 10 times.
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