Maybe they don't know that's where IHROTM is pulled from. Or maybe they do and they don't want to see their car in the magazine.
RossD wrote: I like the newly revamped Readers Rides, by the way. (The tabs and the what not)
I was wondering if anyone noticed. You're update photos not go into your slideshow, too.
It seems like a new trend. If you go back a few pages in any category they almost all have pictures.
in my case it's that I'm still a totally illiterate computer user... I barely can check my e-mail ... I have successfully downloaded photos to I-photo but doing anything beyond that has so far eluded me
I got a pic of my truck in readers rides, and im pretty much computer illterate. When my computer starts acting up i pull the battery and run away like nuclear and going to blow up or something What i cant figure out is how to post pics in a thread. help?
But basically, you've figured out the smilies, I see. Above the smilies there is a bar of icons, the one to the left of the, ackhem, 'Help' icon (that will explain all of this) at the far right is a camera, click on it, insert the photo's URL and click ok.
Here's an example: The picture I want to post has this as its URL:
So I click the camera icon, insert in the box, then click 'OK' and I get:
Carson wrote: Above the smilies there is a bar of icons, the one to the left of the, ackhem, 'Help' icon (that will explain all of this)
haha! i told you im not any good at this! thanks!
Tim, would you guys please, please do a magazine feature on okieflyr's 914?
Is there a way to ad more then 1 photo?
People keep asking me to post more..and I'm not too sure how!
Yes. You can add up to five for your ride, and additional photos with each update. Just click edit. You'll see the fields.
You'll need to log in to post.