From morning to afternoon, my car developed a miss. I did a little bit of diag - 1st checking which cyl wasn't firing (#1), and then swapping the wire ends on the coil, and now #4 doesn't fire.
These coils were marketed as being enhanced over regular GM twin tower coils. These are no longer available from FJO, in fact FJO has been absorbed by Holley, and they don't offer these anymore, the closest thing offered by Holley is an Accel Supercoil - which I don't know if it would even fit into the FJO coil base.....
What I want to know.... can these be rebuilt? Or can they DIS coil be replaced?
"Marketed as being enhanced" means to me they likely don't work very well, or for very long.
Will the stock Delco coils fit? They are perfectly adequate.
The "coil base" pictured is your ignition module. Those 2 little screws hold the coils to it. 2 blade terminals and they ground through the screws iirc. SWG is right the gm coils are very good, I might have some in the garage
Looks like stock GM 3.8 coils, I would put a set on and see what happens.
have a friend with similar coil pack.... so I have something plug and play I can use to test...
question... what year/make/model are these coils from so if my friends unit works, I can just go and buy a coil....
Ok, swapped in my friends coils and she fires on all 4.
So... is there a difference between the $10 versions I find on Rockauto, and the $45 Delco units??
Last time I put one one it was a white box special, 2004 Grand Prix I know uses a coil like that.
I'd buy Delco, because the failure rate of almost all aftermarket electronics are too high for me to trust. They don't all fail, but enough do that I hate selling them.
In reply to Streetwiseguy :
Agreed, rather used gm than new aftermarket too.
they literally came on almost every fwd gm with mpfi or sfi from the 2.8 in 1987 and up to at least mid 2000's. Junkyard sources would be cavaliers, lumina, gp, lesabre, regal, cutlass, celebrity, impala, aztek, rendezvous, montana etc...
went with a pair of Standard brand coils (2 units - 4 posts total) Oddly the GM units on Rockauto were all aluminum post, the Standard brand comes with brass, so I went with those
Jegs offers a GM DIS coil replacement like this
Higher voltage and brass terminals. We used them on my son's 2000 Impala 9C1 3800 V6
They also sell by the 2pack and 3packs