1/10/21 2:48 p.m.
Was wondering if anyone had any tricks or tips to remove slag from areas that you can't really get a brush or whatnot into. Maybe a pick? But that would be pretty slow going.
I'd like an answer that involves ultrasonic cleaning, but I'm not holding my breath on that.
The stuff is lightly welded to the metal, so you need a pick or chisel or something.
1/10/21 4:43 p.m.
Isn't this what a needle scaler exists for?
Pick, needle scaler,screw driver,wire brush or wheel etc
How small a place you need to get into? Belt file work? Carbide bit on long snout die grinder?
Grind a stick electrode to a point they work great
This is not helpful and pure curiosity but... why bother??
If you think it will happen over and over it might be easier to use a covering that would easier to remove than slag, like a grease spray or maybe some fiberglass mat or something (how tight of an area are we talking?). Just something that will soak enough heat from the slag that it wont be able to stick to anything.
Every time i open a thread and learn about a new tool on GRM i find out i can try some cheap ones for ~$10 and have it in my hand the next day so i order it and get all happy.
TIL what riffler files are.