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David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
7/31/12 9:11 p.m.
poopshovel wrote:
Basil Exposition wrote: That's sad news. I've liked every TV show he was on, right back to that fix-it one with the chick. Also heard him announce a number of races-- always a pleasure. I just wish I had learned to pronounce his last name...
"Natchew" I believe.

Yep--or at least close enough.

Quick Tom story. Tom and I both favored Ray-Bans Wayfarers, but he had those auto-darkening lenses in his. So when inside, he had clear lenses. However, he could wear them without looking like a hipster. He was just that cool.

Trans_Maro SuperDork
7/31/12 9:47 p.m.

Dang, that sucks.

Never met him personally, only saw his work but he seemed to genuinely love what he did.


7/31/12 11:47 p.m.

I am just your everyday, average person that had the pleasure of meeting Tom. I will NEVER forget the first time we met...we talked for hours. I was bartending at VIR....if you know road racing...you know what VIR is. We shared lots of things...we laughed soooo much and we even teared up a few times while talking about our families to each other as he was the ONLY person in the bar that evening.

I knew immediately that he was a great person with a HUGE personality...the same big personality tha I have. He was always happy each time I saw him and I was always happy to see him. He loved his family and talked about them fondly....something that i have always admired in a man.

He had a larger than life presence with that loud and raspy voice. I had the pleasure of seeing him several times after out initial meeting and I'm blessed and proud to say that I knew him.

He loved motorsports and was one of the all time best anouncers of all time. More than motorsports....he loved his family. We shared so many things about our families...great things, sad things and everything in between.

I've seen several posts about him loving Crown...we were alot alike...I love Jack...not the same as Crown...but The only thing that I EVER served him was double Sapphire and tonic. I LOVE gin and tonic....so heres to you Tom....CHEERS as I drink my gin and tonic.

There isn't a doubt in my mind that you will be missed by millions that never knew you and I'm one of the few that got to meet you on a personal level...and for that...I am grateful. RIP Tom. Each time I make a Sapphire and tonic....I will always think of you..........

fendersbartender New Reader
7/31/12 11:49 p.m.

It is pronounced nachew...kind of like a sneeze would sound

dankspeed Reader
8/2/12 6:57 p.m.

Has anyone heard a possible cause of death?

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