As some of you know, I recently purchased a Maserati Biturbo. It has very few miles and has not been registered since 94. It was stored inside nearly all of that time and the headgaskets/timing belt/valve adjustment were done in 2006. The car has done less than 25 miles since then.
Currently the car does not leak. I'm concerned about it starting to leak oil once pressed into daily (yes, I'm crazy) service.
Would some type of seal conditioner hurt? If no, are there any brands recommended? The factory calls out synthetic oil and I plan on using synth.
Thanks yall!
Use a good synthetic and call it done.
2/19/11 12:07 a.m.
Dont fix what aint broke (yet).
One of my instructors in my auto-tech program charges extra if she sees use of seal conditioners. Then again she runs a tranny shop and it's an extra bitch getting gummy seals out of valve bodies. Generally speaking yes seal conditioners can be considered bad juju. Basically all they do is cause the seal to swell and soften.
Agree with griffin729. That stuff may get it to leak less but only for a short time.
if it leaks, switch to a thicker oil... 80W-90 has been known to wind up in the engines of beaters owned by people that i know..
I would use a synthetic blend. I use synthetic in my 924s in a motor I had on the shelf for years. It leaked worse then the Exxon Valdez. So I changed over to standard Dino juice for the street and virtually all the leaks cleared up. This is typical for older cars / gaskets I have been told.
What say you guys about "high mileage" oil? Don't they have seal conditioner in them?