Wow--this got very interesting/funny since I last read it.
BTW--the disparaging remarks don't show up in the first few pages of google so far.
Funny thing is this. Punch in Hennessey Honda of woodstock sucks into Google. GRM got the top link for me, probably due to spending far too much time on here. Point of the exercise is that there are literally TONS of enthusiast forums out there discussing or that have discussed this same thing. I saw one guy earlier talking about they flat lowballed him a trade in offer when he was looking to trade his sub 100k S2000 in on a newer one. These guys suck, and need the industrial sized bag of dicks.
In reply to Spinout007:
Ah--I just put in "Hennessy Honda of Woodstock" and left out the "sucks" part.
Seems like topics on the GRM board end up at the top of quite a few google searches, though. We must have some clout or something.
HennessyHondaSucks wrote: Managers special...... the anti-lube. We remove all fluids from your car, and send you on your way. The first car to return to the dealership on the back of a truck, with catastrophic damage WINS!!!!! A big bag of DICKS!(;) hennessyhondasucks
Laughing uncontrollably at the sig.
gamby wrote: Seems like topics on the GRM board end up at the top of quite a few google searches, though. We must have some clout or something.
filter bubble...those who hang out at GRM are more likely to see GRM at the top of their google searches.
So those of you with social media prowess should start a Facebook page called hennessy honda sucks and maybe a Twitter account hennessyhondasucks and then make a punch of posts we could all link to.
Woody wrote:poopshovel wrote: Also, me, you, friedgreen, and Anti-stance are all is the rest of Hong Norrth. There is a Taco Mac across the street from Hennessy Honda Sucks. We should there, yeah, that's it. Then go "car shopping." I believe I'll start at $10,000 trade for the Integra. It's a classic. We could all "shop" till quittin time...then ask the sales guys to take us out to taco mac to "seal the deal."Then maybe ask if you can use the bathroom...
Double decker time!
tuna55 wrote: So those of you with social media prowess should start a Facebook page called hennessy honda sucks and maybe a Twitter account hennessyhondasucks and then make a punch of posts we could all link to.
We have the email account to set it up now.
HennessyHondaSucks wrote: Hello, I see what you are saying about me. If you want to email something about this try hennessyhondaofwoodstocksucks(at)gmail(dot)com If you say something you don't mean you can always take it back because the password is: bagofdicks
always the fun-governor, i sure hope we're not doing anything that would be seen by GRM as d00king in the sand box.
AngryCorvair wrote: always the fun-governor, i sure hope we're not doing anything that would be seen by GRM as d00king in the sand box.
By "sandbox", do you mean "upper tank"?
DILYSI Dave wrote:AngryCorvair wrote: always the fun-governor, i sure hope we're not doing anything that would be seen by GRM as d00king in the sand box.By "sandbox", do you mean "upper tank"?
I believe you are talking about an upper decker, which is not to be confused with a dry docker. Of course, you can combine the two for an upper dry docker, which depending on how often the throne is used could be quite terrible.
slefain wrote:DILYSI Dave wrote:I believe you are talking about an upper decker, which is not to be confused with a dry docker. Of course, you can combine the two for an upper dry docker, which depending on how often the throne is used could be quite terrible.AngryCorvair wrote: always the fun-governor, i sure hope we're not doing anything that would be seen by GRM as d00king in the sand box.By "sandbox", do you mean "upper tank"?
Oh man, Upper Deckers are THE WORST.
Do that.
They have a Facebook page as well. I wonder if they monitor it...
gamby wrote: Wow--this got very interesting/funny since I last read it.BTW--the disparaging remarks don't show up in the first few pages of google so far.
Javelin wrote:Javelin wrote: In reply to Woody: After messing with Google, it's clear that Hennessy Honda of Woodstock sucks really isn't doing much good. Poop needs to review on Google+, Yelp, Edmunds, and the other dealer rating sites. I'd also recommend going back to the OG thread and having Joey change the title to "Hennessy Honda of Woodstock voided the warranty on my new Fit" or some such and have poopy write up his experience, with names, there. The filters online are smarter nowadays, they want real content, not 10,000 cut/pasted "Hennessy Honda of Woodstock sucks" characters.Just to reiterate...
Using that gmail account for some reviews would be a smart idea. A lot smarter than talking about bags of dicks. Just saying.
AngryCorvair wrote: always the fun-governor, i sure hope we're not doing anything that would be seen by GRM as d00king in the sand box.
Yea, I think somebody is going to get a spanking when momma gets home.
Javelin wrote:gamby wrote: Wow--this got very interesting/funny since I last read it.Because:BTW--the disparaging remarks don't show up in the first few pages of google so far.
Javelin wrote:Using that gmail account for some reviews would be a smart idea. A lot smarter than talking about bags of dicks. Just saying.Javelin wrote: In reply to Woody: After messing with Google, it's clear that Hennessy Honda of Woodstock sucks really isn't doing much good. Poop needs to review on Google+, Yelp, Edmunds, and the other dealer rating sites. I'd also recommend going back to the OG thread and having Joey change the title to "Hennessy Honda of Woodstock voided the warranty on my new Fit" or some such and have poopy write up his experience, with names, there. The filters online are smarter nowadays, they want real content, not 10,000 cut/pasted "Hennessy Honda of Woodstock sucks" characters.Just to reiterate...
You mean like this?
4cylndrfury wrote: aww...david locked the other one...![]()
I don't like locking threads, but there is a line.
This topic is locked. No further posts are being accepted.