As of midnight the half of my life Ive spent on FWD mopars will be at an end. I am the proud new owner of a 1987 Ford Thunderbird Turbo Coupe, the color is incidentally the reverse of our challenge car (red/gray) and this means that between Brian and I we own/have owned exactly 1/2 of the 11th gen 'birds in York county.
I recall saying everybody with a fox chassis car was wrong and did naughty things to their cousins, perhaps I go to the family reunion this year
Pics tomorrow
I had a nasty addiction to red TC's. Still love em!
4/17/09 10:50 p.m.
I'm always glad to see another T-Bird in enthusiast hands. What are your plans for the car?
Okay well I got screwed on 'bird#1 its okay I found an 88 in way better condition(with some happy parts) and its just a little farther away. We are about to leave. If anybody in Quicksburgh VA wants to go for some lunch later give me a call. 717-968-6083
I currently have 3 Turbo Coupes....
Don't know why.....
I could give them up.....
If I wanted to......
Don't judge me.
I'd like to relate my only TC experience, with apologies to my father, who doesn't often read this board. We (he, I was 15) test drove one in the late 80's from a local dealer. Doing a three-point turn to head back to the dealer, he dropped a wheel into the ditch. The car then proceeded to slowly slide down the embankment, and get hopelessly stuck, to the point where a tow truck needed to extract the car.
I'm sure he would have bought it if he hadn't been so embarrassed. The dealership was gracious, and related that they had who took an extended test drive in an F150. The customer took the truck ice-fishing and it went through the ice. He returned the truck, said he loved it, and would buy one, but not that one :)
4/18/09 7:54 a.m.
egnorant wrote:
I currently have 3 Turbo Coupes....
Don't know why.....
I could give them up.....
If I wanted to......
Don't judge me.
I have 4 T-Birds. At one point I had 5. I won't be casting the first stone here.
(tinyvoice) one of every color and over 35 total running... (/tinyvoice)
innocent whistling
35 damn dude, I've only had 21
4/18/09 4:31 p.m.
2.3T goodness, I know this board doesn't like them, but you'll get nothing but smiles from me!
I think having too many is why I don't like them, well at least the engines...
We didnt take any pics of the car yet but here are 2 from the trip