Looking for a LARGE print edition?
If this magazine was sears catalogue sized and came out every week, i wouldn't have time to do anything but read!
You know, GRM is the only magazine I keep around for the ads. They're some of the most relevant and best placed ads in the business. I just wish HF would buy more full page coupon space :p.
My wife did want me to add something to this post after I showed her the funny that Pinchvalve posted.
Nicole Freese Said: You should mention it is the only car/auto mag your wife approves of cause they don't use naked women to sell rims.
And better yet, the ads in GRM are useful.
You can't tell me the ads in Playboy or Hustler (do they still publish that?) aren't useful.
If you factor in the number of pages we give you a year vs. the other Crappie magazine and the price we charge, I think GRM represents good value.
Tim Suddard wrote: If you factor in the number of pages we give you a year vs. the other Crappie magazine and the price we charge, I think GRM represents good value.
Never said it didn't - I just want MOAR!!
You know how 1000hp feels like too much when you first get it, then it begins to feel just right and soon it's not enough.
I admit, I've started projects merely by viewing too many car porn ads, is there a twelve step program for that?
I have to say that I really appreciate that the owner of the magazine can take time out of his day to chime in on the message board. I love that personal level of service.
Tim Suddard wrote: If you factor in the number of pages we give you a year vs. the other Crappie magazine and the price we charge, I think GRM represents GREAT value.
Fixed that for you Tim. Though, I am still waiting for a diesel miata project car.
Yeah, we are all still pretty involved, almost to a fault, sometimes. I actually feel guilty when I get thrashing on a project or traveling too much, and miss the board for a few days.
The first step is to admit you have a problem. Repeat after me, "My name is Carguy123 and I am addicted"
carguy123 wrote:Tim Suddard wrote: If you factor in the number of pages we give you a year vs. the other Crappie magazine and the price we charge, I think GRM represents good value.Never said it didn't - I just want MOAR!! You know how 1000hp feels like too much when you first get it, then it begins to feel just right and soon it's not enough.
I was thinking more on the lines of boost!!!
Bottom line this is the best mag going at the moment for the car guy/gal.
You know if GRM is not enough you can always go get a script to Classic Motor Sports.
Stealthtercel wrote: As my Irish ancestors would have said, "Well, Glory be to God, and have yez not thought of reading it again?" Where is it written (if you'll excuse the expression) that reading a GRM issue is a one-time event? I revisit them multiple times even when there ISN'T a postal strike.
i generally give it 3 reads. first is a quick skim with big articles that pop out at me, second is really digesting all the details, and third is another skim of articles but really checking out all the ads as theyre the best, most focused, and relevant ads ive ever seen in one mag.
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