My first car was an '88 Accord LX Sedan. 8 years ago this week, it gave it's life to save mine. White exterior, Maroon(lower)/beige(upper) interior. Derick Freese's buil;d thread of an '89 has got me wanting another one, bad. I also want a 3 door shadow, and that is not very different from the Acclaim I learned in, and both of those share common roots with my neons. I'm already guilty of repeat ownership, with 2 '98 DOCH neons in a row(granted the second one was the only thing I could find when I needed a new car).
I'm looking for words of GRM wisdom on this topic. When this has been brought up in the past I seem to recall someone said something along the lines of "you already had one, there are thousands of other cars you have not had yet" Help me get rid of these rose tinted glasses.
New Reader
8/21/12 8:44 a.m.
I feel you.
I (had) to sell my E30 M3 (91) back in April 2005 because I was going overseas for an indefinite time and didn't want to store it.
Haven't slept well ever since.
Came back in December 2010 and settled for an M Coupe. 
Another E30 M3 will fall in my lap sometime..
Sorry, I'll be one to say there's nothing wrong with those rose tinted glasses.
Having owned umpteen cars now...I think that's the number, it could be a gaggle...I've come to a conclusion. Sure, there are lots of cars out there that I haven't owned yet and would like to. But if there's a car I'm really passionate about, there's nothing wrong with repeat ownership. I've had 4 MR2s and am now on my 4th Miata (also have had 4 Mustangs, 3 Corvettes). Having a Miata in my garage makes me a happy camper, and that's all I really care about. If/when I get the funds to continue my automotive ownership quest for new and different cars, great. In the meantime, I'm a happy camper having my 22 year old roadster in the garage.
So if you want another Accord, go for it.
I feel that way about our '98 M3 sedan. Best all-around car I've ever had...
About the only car I think I'd want again was the '67 Beetle I had in college. But not as a DD!
I had an '86 LX sedan. Maroon with a really nice maroon/brown interior. Why don't they have colors like that now?? It was just a really nice, comfortable driver. I loved that car.
But for me, I'd like to have many of my previous cars back. '70 Chevelle SS 454 LS6, '70 Formula 400 Firebird, '91 turbo CRX si, '94 Teg GS-R, '03 TL-S, ....
8/21/12 9:45 a.m.
I'll prolly end up with another redline in the future when they can be had for 1-2k.....
I really want another 65 mustang though. Sold that project to pay for the engine build on the S10 when I was in high school...
I still miss my mk3 VR6 GTI, even after knowing all of the annoying issues that they have, (mine in particular). not a help here. Especially if she was taken from you earlier than you were expecting, your time in that vehicle has not been satisfied. So, naturally, you need another one until you have had your fill of white '88 accord sedans. Plus, that's a rockin' car anyways.
8/21/12 10:05 a.m.
Let's see... I've had two Tropic Emerald Green '94 Protege DXs. I've had nine C900s. Four 99s. Two 96s. Two 95s. Four Miatas. Two '87 GMC R1500s. Two Sonett IIIs. Two MR2s.
So yea. I get it.
If you want to play with another one, just do it. It will NOT be the same car though, so don't go in expecting it to be. They all have their own quirks and personalities.
The only ones would be a Range Rover Classic and another Audi 90 Quattro 20v.
The rest.... MEH.
Falcons and Rabbits.
I think I've taken care of the Rabbit itch as much as I need to. They're neat little cars, and I'll always like them, but I don't think I need to try for a fourth...
Falcons, on the other hand, I've had two of (one 2 dr sedan, one Ranchero, not counting the two wagons I grew up riding in and learning to drive on), but they were both piles in substantial ways, and I don't think I've properly done the Falcon thing yet.
I'm on my first, second or third 2002, depending on your interpretation of the story about Grandpa's hammer, which has had the handle replaced twice and the head replaced once...
I think owning particular cars must be like travel: I keep going places, but not crossing them off my list, as each place feels like I haven't had a complete experience there. With cars, until I've gotten one about where I really want it with mods, I haven't really experienced it.
My E30 was as close do "done" as I've ever gotten a car, but was totaled within a couple of weeks. I'm uncertain about whether I need or want to E30 again...
It is like dating an old girlfriend from years past. Some times it works some times it ends badly. The problem is with expectations. With time you tend to forget the bad times and the good ones seem all that much better.
I learned to drive in a 1973 Mazda RX-2, which was an amazing car for its time. A couple of decades later, I bought another and built it into a race car. It would go well, but stopping was a real issue - the brakes were horrible and class rules at the time prevented any possibility of improvement. In that case, the rose colored glasses led me wrong - technology marches on.
In your case, I think I would try driving one now to be sure your memory doesn't paint a better picture than reality.
I got married in a 2001 vintage white convertible V6 auto Mustang. It was a rental. We were in Vegas and got hitched at the Say-I-Do drive through wedding chapel. Didn't even shut the engine off. Not only was I married in a car, I was married in a running car, which I still think is kind of awesome. I have no real love for mustangs, slush boxes, or convertibles but a couple of times a year I search for craigslist for that car.
yamaha wrote:
I'll prolly end up with another redline in the future when they can be had for 1-2k.....
I really want another 65 mustang though. Sold that project to pay for the engine build on the S10 when I was in high school...
I may be selling my '65 Mustang if you are interested.
In reply to jstein77:
Wow, that's nuts. My first car was a $500 1973 Mazda RX-2. It was a stodgy 4-door, but the 4-bbl. 12A rotary was fabulous! I drove it 5 years and sold it for $475 back in '86. I'd get another one, but my wife hates the styling, and there aren't many left.
Ian F
8/21/12 10:49 a.m.
Cars I've had that I want again?
Every time I drive my truck, I miss my van so I'm considering another one.
I would really like to have another '71 Dodge Demon.
I miss the MINI convertible we sold a few months ago. I'd wouldn't mind getting that car back again - but THAT car... not a similar one, because I had gone through so much effort to customize it the way I wanted in the first place.
There are cars I miss, but doubt I'll ever replace with another one: the '91 Integra. '78 F150. '97 M3.
bravenrace wrote:
I may be selling my '65 Mustang if you are interested.
8/21/12 11:56 a.m.
2002 SAAB 9-5. Super comfy, great gas mileage, exceptional ergonomics, HUGE interior, HUGE trunk, reasonably fun to drive.
1989 Chevy 3/4 ton and 1999 Crown Vic, just because I drive a Miata now and every once in a while I want the space.
Sold my miata to consolidate my cars and help fund a move/better DD and I've been pining for one since winter ended. I'm sure I'll pick up another but it seems like all the cheap ones are gone. Mine was $1800 and I can't seem to find any for less than $3k that aren't a total wreck.
8/21/12 12:55 p.m.
Porsches and BMWs call to me. So I will have more. The budget doesn't answer as often as I'd like. How about wanting the car you still have - only different?
8/21/12 1:08 p.m.
thatsnowinnebago wrote:
Sold my miata to consolidate my cars and help fund a move/better DD and I've been pining for one since winter ended. I'm sure I'll pick up another but it seems like all the cheap ones are gone. Mine was $1800 and I can't seem to find any for less than $3k that aren't a total wreck.
Not to get political, but Cash for Clunkers has really killed the affordable used car market. We're trying to find a car for my roommate, and it is much harder than I anticipated.
Ian F
8/21/12 1:11 p.m.
mtn wrote:
Not to get political, but Cash for Clunkers has really killed the affordable used car market. We're trying to find a car for my roommate, and it is much harder than I anticipated.
We went through this a few weeks ago - more myth than reality. The actual number of clunkers junked were only a small percentage of the number of cars each year that exit the US fleet due to normal wear and tear. And Cash for Clunkers was what - 4 years ago? Plus, remember the criteria was low MPG cars and SUV's.
You need a 3-door Shadow/Sundance with a turbo motor. That was the most fun car I ever had, although I might be looking back at it with rose-tinted glasses myself now.
In reply to mtn:
Based on my junkyard experience, Cash for Clunkers only killed the used Explorer market. Not exactly a loss to mankind.
Yes. For me it's Porsches and Jeeps. I've had multiples of each. Still own the first Porsche, other's have come and gone.
And when I get the stupid alternator issue fixed on the Subaru I have a sneaky suspicion that I'm going back to Jeeps.