We need the help of a Photoshopper to work on our $2015 Challenge car.
You will be a full team member, which gives you unlimited opportunity for sleepless nights, creative input to gang of thoroughly creative, yet indecisive misfits, and all the little Goldfish crackers you can consume.
It will also give you top billing with the rest of us (which generally only counts at the Challenge if you are dressed as a clown or a rapper).
And, if you make it to the event, seat time in the car on the drags (which will be a hoot).
Our car is a contender. It placed 8th last year, with lots of room for improvement in every area.
We have several ideas we like for our appearance/ theme, but need some visual aids to help us make our decisions.
We don't need anything highly detailed or beautifully rendered. Hopefully we can limit it to a few basic renderings, plus one more detailed picture of the final version for presentation at the Challenge.
We are, however, counting on you. We will be making some big changes to the car, which will take time to build. We are going to need a few pics to work with in the next few weeks.
Anyone feel like being taken advantage of??
What distance problem?
They are electronic files- easy to email.
We can give starting pics/ dimensions/ feedback/ etc.
There is no need to ever be in the same place as the car, though we'd love to have you at the event (and... who knows!)
If you can't make it to the event, we will send you a team shirt, and you can take a picture of yourself.
We will then blow it up to a life sized cardboard cutout to accept our team awards, or just for the pure creepiness factor!
I really want some seat time in return for doing the photoshopping, that's the problem
Gonna check dates and prices and see if there's any way to work it out...
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