I agree that Bax has done an impressive job of one that I wouldn't wish on anyone. I don't yet love the results, but I'll grow accustomed. As a point of reference, I also don't usually like new cars until they are a few years old. I admit that I'm resistant to change.
To Margies point, about trying to make the site "better", I think that a lot of the hesitation is that the users by and large didn't want it "better". I mean, by any quantifiable measure Tim's new BMW is "better" than anything else in the GRM parking lot. It would also be the least interesting thing to me at a GRM car show. Nobody ever said "Gee - GRM is pretty good, but if only they had a fully integrated site that knew where I live and who I want to vote for, it would be really great."
Say "GRM wants it because the ad revenue will increase" or "GRM wants it because you'll buy more T-Shirts" or "GRM wants it because we're gonna win the website fair". Just don't say "We're doing it for you" when it is a draw for the end user.
Regardless, hell of a job on a daunting task Baxter.
$.02, Dave