After trying out the 8 cylinder thunder car class and finding I didn't have enough cubic dollars, I'm kicking around the idea of a return to racing in the 4 cylinder ministock class again. The class seems dominated by Honda products, particularly Acura Integras. Also there is a particularly fast Cavalier with an Ecotec engine. I'm looking for something different. If you copy everyone else, you just end up following everyone else. So what car? Stock 4 cylinder, naturally aspirated, no variable valve timing, or variable cam timing. No newer than 2002, (though the rules say up to 2005 can be used with approval) and I prefer front wheel drive. (So Miata isn't the answer this one time)
So what say you GRM? What is the hidden gem with the most horsepower?
B18 Integra is really hard to beat. Suspension design is excellent compared to all the strut cars, more torque than a Civic, and most of the time they can stay pretty close in weight. Winner probably depends upon your rule package, as well.
However, In the 10 or so years we've been racing ministock here, champion cars are first gen MR2, early Tiburon, Escort GT, Neon, CivicCivicCivic, 240sx 3 valve, e30 318...The common point on all the different cars were that they were well prepped, well driven, and had more practice laps than everybody else that year.
I agree just having the most power doesn't always win the race. Winning starts in the shop, prep work, and with practice and hard work. But since I'm starting fresh, thought I'd try at least looking at something outside the box. Ford Focus was looking promising until I figured out the higher horsepower cars were variable cam cars. The b18 Integra looks good, but I'm keeping myself open to all other posibilities. I like the idea of building something nobody else has built.
Fastest cars at our track are the 240's. They run rings around everything else. That's why I have one. The integras and preludes are good as well but much less knowledge out there in terms of setup for a fwd. Mustangs... lots of knowledge, lots of parts, but unless you spend 10k on an engine they are just..... slow.
Don't forget that if you come out with something different you will probably get lapped a bunch of times. Run what the fast guys run.
See if you can get approval to run a Cobalt. Ecotec is a killer motor and there's probably nothing on the track now will catch it in the turns.
The common point on all the different cars were that they were well prepped, well driven, and had more practice laps than everybody else that year.
This is true. The year I won 75 races in ministock, my car was meticulously prepared, and I had more seat time than anybody else in the class.
I've been. Thinking of building a ministock too Jack.
Just to be able to travel and run some other tracks.
The Saturn Ion had the 2.2L Ecotec back in '03.
Would plastic body panels be a good thing or bad thing when rubbing is racing?
For pure HP: 1993 oldsmobile achieva scx. The Neon has a good backing in the dirt track world as well. There is a good body of knowledge out there to set those cars up and the parts are cheap.
I'm currently building an e30 318 w/ M42B18 for asphalt ministock and WRL/Chump/AER duty. May be a poor choice, we'll see, but even a 4 cylinder bimmer has got to do a better job that those wrong-wheel-drive rice burners ;-)
I don't think ive ever seen anything aside from a fox body mustang in the mini stock class here but ive only ever been to the circle track 3 times.If you prefer fwd im guessing B series Honda products are going to be hard too beat.
JamesMcD wrote: How are the rules policed, and how knowledgeable are the scrutineers?
Tech used to be a joke, but last year a new tech guy showed up. He is pretty knowledgable . He teaches auto mechanic apprentices.
I was just about to suggest my generation Celica!!,! <<< see my avatar! There is a guy on named "Ozzie" he lives out on the east coast and SUCCESSFULLY runs a ra64 chassis car. Think about it: tons of ring gear options, 22re has plenty of potential for the rules you have, and it has tons of torque on those Hondas, the w58 transmission is bulletproof, the 6.7" axle is that same axle the dwarf car guys use! A spool is 200$. And you can pick up a Celica for about 500$ running.
ZX3 or ZX5 Focus with the regular Zetec. Upgrade to SVT brakes front and rear, SVT suspension can be had for pennies and should suit your needs. Engines/transmissions are a dime a dozen and really tough. Non-interfence engine as well.
Ecotech Cobalt will have variable timing.
A carefully driven and maintained Quad 4 would be good for 180-200HP. (there are lower output versions too, shop carefully) Look for Grand Am's with a 5 speed.
Cavailer Z24 and Sunfire GT with 2.4 twin cam from 95-02 was 150hp
what are the rules for tire size and suspension mods?
VVT from 08 on in Cobalt, I believe. A 200 HP Q4 would be easy, and the TC is also a good choice, just run the best oil you can. I had a couple of 2.4 TC's. They responded very nicely to mild mods, and were much faster than I expected.
It's not about horsepower. It's about maintaining as much speed as possible through the corner, having a bulletproof engine that will not come apart from the effects of oil being pulled away from the crank under high g's, having a cooling system that will keep the car cool in heavy traffic and red flags, and being robust enough that it will withstand high speed crash damage over and over. You can build all that into the wrong car if the rules are flexible enough, but in most cases they aren't and fast cars come out, dominate for a race or two and then are never seen again. Or you buy that one off 200 hp special and put it into the wall, only to find that the strut you broke is unobtainium because it came on that one model for one year and your local pick a part just laughs at you. Go with what is proven to work or you wind up being a mechanic instead of a race car driver.
Before deciding on what car, check your local track rules. They often have some odd rules. One I found still lists 78 series tires. some say you can have one cam only.
To add to the car list. ZX2, cousin of some listed.
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