My trusty (come to find out untrusty) inflator died today. And it was never accurate to begin with, come to find out. The gauge being a full 10psi off. So, i need a new one. Do they make them that shut off the flow at a certain pressure?
What do you kids like?
Can't go wrong with Longacre. Used those while I was in Oval Karting. Hold up well to the abuse of dirt and chemicals used on the tires.
I've been using a ViAir inflator for the last few years with good results. Only downside is that I had to hook it up to 12v battery power. My wife got me a Makita 18v inflator for Christmas that runs on the same batteries as my impact wrench. It's a little slow but otherwise great, I haven't touched the ViAir since I got it.
I like the one I can find. Of things I lose in life, tire pressure gauges are near the top. Weird.
I use the Milwaukee M12 inflator and love it. Small, relatively lightweight, and just works.
Accurate, durable, flexible, bleed-off valve, rubber covered. You'll be surprised how inaccurate those cheap pencil-type gauges are when you compare them.
I have one that matco gave me for buying a tool box I think, it's pretty awesome and I've checked it against the gauges I keep in the truck and cars and it spot on