7/1/13 11:58 a.m.
Light & non metallic to hide bodywork imperfections. Car has a two-tone black/tan interior. Seats are black leather with beige corduroy inserts. The rest of the interior is black. Three colors I will not consider: black (car has to be too perfect), red (paint costs too much), gold (I have trouble selling gold cars)
The purpose is to increase the car's value so I can sell it. I don't want to pay for high quality prep work, hence the light, non-metallic color requirement. Thanks!
White is my first thought.
White hides imperfections best, IMHO.
7/1/13 12:08 p.m.
Red paint costs too much? What's the delta between red and white?
Mirage Grey used on MGBs.
7/1/13 12:21 p.m.
I'm leaning towards pale yellow (a99 Boxster color) because the only color that hides imperfections better than white is light yellow (ask a Corvette owner). Thanks for the ideas, please keep 'em coming!
Sahara beige or light khaki green
Sahara hides everything - it could be totaled and you wouldn't notice.
7/1/13 12:50 p.m.
As the body shop saying goes...if it ain't right, paint it white
Im not sure the specific name, but the pearl white that RSX's were available in.

Or Infiniti QT1 pearl is hot as hell too!
+1 for yellow. If you want to save some more, maybe DIY yellow plasti-dip.