P71/Crown Vic/Interceptors will do 65-70 mph in reverse. BTDT at Jefferson Circuit for training. Drive the track backwards while pretending you are evading gunfire. Fun times.
In a Saturn the "standing" 4000rpm rev limiter is actually a "no fwd speed" 4000rpm rev limiter. So I've done whatever that amounts to in reverse.
I did multiple autocross runs in reverse. I beat the 2 slowest cars at the event that day.
Need to wait between runs though... no airflow across the radiator in reverse, it heats up quick.
Never looked at speedo... whatever was fast enough for a bootleggers turn. And haven't done one of them since the mid /late '80s
Does accidently backwards count? I have video evidence...
So there's this circuit down under called Phillip Island, you may know it from Aussie MotoGP rounds. Fast flowing circuit, particularly turn 1 which is a slightly banked long sweeper after a downhill end of the straight.
Done a few track days there in my '89 Toyota Corolla, with a 4A-GE 20V and 6speed swap. It still runs the OEM ECU including the speed limiter, which I can nudge at the end of the straight at an indicated 185km/h (~115mph) provided there isn't too much of a headwind. Once the (street) tyres are up to temp, I can tip it into 1 and hold on with the foot still firmly against the floor - but it's borderline :D Some days I had to have a bit of a talk to myself to stop the foot lifting a little, but definitely can't do it first lap or two in a session.
One day several years ago, well, I'm not sure if my line was slightly wrong, or the tailwind didn't help, but I dropped wheels onto the grass on the exit - into the turn 2 braking zone. I wasn't still doing 185/115 at the exit and probably less again by the time I got completely backwards, but it was probably still up near 100mph.
Oh and it was my road car, so no cage... I 'days of thunder'ed it and gathered it up on the grass outside 2, missing walls and marshall posts. Run a caged car these days.
Here's the gopro footage. :) It's the start of the second flying lap, so skip to 4:30 if you need to - and apologies for the audio, it was 11 years ago.
Edit: Actually it's the original image stabilisation that's the worst bit!
Not a blazingly fast top speed, but how about a full autocross course in reverse?
Maybe JG can chime in regarding whether or not an Omni GLH can achieve full boost in reverse. (Or was it a GLH-S?)
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