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mndsm PowerDork
5/31/13 3:24 p.m.

I ain't skeered of no Jalopnik.....

Keith Tanner
Keith Tanner GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/31/13 3:25 p.m.

There was a black Countach that showed up at the Flyin' Miata Summer Camp a few years back. The owner was obviously the sort of guy who had the poster as a kid, he was in love with the car.

None of the women were all that interested, but all the guys were fascinated by the car. After all, we'd all had the same poster...

I've driven an NSX. It left me underwhelmed. So I'm going to nominate it.

mndsm PowerDork
5/31/13 3:27 p.m.

I think the cache of the NSX being a supercar is somewhat ruined by the fact that it's as easy to live with as a Civic. Reliable, light, etc etc. It doesn't threaten to stab you or take all your money.... most supercars people love are the ones most likely to kill them.

Javelin GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
5/31/13 3:29 p.m.

The worst supercar is the one somebody buys and then leaves in the garage as a status symbol. Supercars should be driven, and often.

There's a guy that has some business in the industrial section of my town, drives his 308 GTS Targa al most every sunny day. In between all the damn log trucks, tankers, steel trucks, and contractors. That's a supercar.

Joe Gearin
Joe Gearin Associate Publisher
5/31/13 3:55 p.m.

While the NSX is a fine car, I wouldn't put it in supercar territory. They weren't that fast (slower than the C4 of the same period) , had mundane interiors, and weren't very inspiring to drive on the street. They just don't get the blood boiling like a supercar should.

Don't get me wrong......cool cars, but I don't think of them in the same vein as a 959, Ferrari GTO, or even a Esprit Turbo.

Max_Archer Reader
5/31/13 5:38 p.m.

What's funny is while I can't argue with many of the points about the NSX, it's one of the few supercars I'd actually want to own. The aftermarket can take care of a lot of the excitement shortcomings, and I don't know how much company I'll have in this but I love the way the early ones look, especially in race trim. Every time I see one it turns my head.

Admittedly I'm a big fan of the reliable "semi-super car" or "super sports car" class. I'm also nuts for 911s.

slowride Reader
5/31/13 5:55 p.m.

Every time I see a white Countach I figure it's only a matter of time before Daisy Duke asks me to hose it off...

Seriously, a car has not been mentioned in this thread that I would not drive.

irish44j UberDork
5/31/13 7:57 p.m.
RexSeven wrote: Vector M12. It's a heavier, awkwardly restyled Lamborghini Diablo. Everything I've read about it says it was screwed together even worse than a contemporary Lambo and the interior was horrid. Protip: Three-spoke wheels are hideous. Period. Search your feelings, 90's JDM and Saab fans, you know this to be true...

it's funny that I had a Vector poster in the middle of my wall as a kid (IIRC). I thought they were awesome in the 80s. Must have been an older Vector model, though, since that one looks newer than the 80s.

pinchvalve GRM+ Memberand UltimaDork
5/31/13 9:52 p.m.
Swank Force One wrote: I think the Carrera GT is one of the greatest supercars of all time. Yeah, it has almost nothing in common with anything else Porsche is known for, but that's kindof the point. Porsche proved that even when they went batE36 M3 crazy and did something COMPLETELY different from what they're proven to be good at... they can still build something completely obscene and one of the fastest cars on the planet.

I compare it to a Viper because it uses a powerful V10 and RWD and tries to kill you with brute force. That's all well and good if you want to compensate for a small penis, but for supercar status, Porsche can do much better. Look at the technology used in even a base 911, let alone the 911 Turbo. (Active engine mounts?) For the price, Porsche should have put out something that changed the supercar game, like the P1 is about to do.

The car is amazing, I have seen them in person and they are awesome. Had it been released by Ford or Lotus or Honda it would be one of the best. I knock it down only because it was a disappointment from what Porsche was capable of.

Swank Force One
Swank Force One MegaDork
5/31/13 9:57 p.m.

So.... you're mad at the Carrera GT because it's not a Veyron turned to 11?

wearymicrobe Dork
5/31/13 9:59 p.m.
Keith Tanner wrote: There was a black Countach that showed up at the Flyin' Miata Summer Camp a few years back. The owner was obviously the sort of guy who had the poster as a kid, he was in love with the car. None of the women were all that interested, but all the guys were fascinated by the car. After all, we'd all had the same poster... I've driven an NSX. It left me underwhelmed. So I'm going to nominate it.

I will nominate the Countach as the worst supercar ever made. Almost impossible to drive, let alone fit in, let alone see out of, even worse to service.

Definitely on my to own list, but more then likely I would go Diablo before Countach.

JamesMcD HalfDork
5/31/13 10:09 p.m.
wearymicrobe wrote:
Keith Tanner wrote: There was a black Countach that showed up at the Flyin' Miata Summer Camp a few years back. The owner was obviously the sort of guy who had the poster as a kid, he was in love with the car. None of the women were all that interested, but all the guys were fascinated by the car. After all, we'd all had the same poster... I've driven an NSX. It left me underwhelmed. So I'm going to nominate it.
I will nominate the Countach as the worst supercar ever made. Almost impossible to drive, let alone fit in, let alone see out of, even worse to service. Definitely on my to own list, but more then likely I would go Diablo before Countach.

Leno likes his Countach, and he used to daily it.

Nathan JansenvanDoorn
Nathan JansenvanDoorn Dork
5/31/13 10:20 p.m.

You guys are a funny crowd. Whine all the time about technology, weight and drivers aids...and then whine that the Carrera GT didn't have enough of those things.

Grizz SuperDork
5/31/13 10:29 p.m.

My opinion is invalid on anything supercar related, as I desire a Viper so much even though I know it would kill me.

Lesley PowerDork
5/31/13 10:56 p.m.

Ain't the first time I've seen something from here turn up on Jalopnik.

Back to the 959... Are you berkleying kidding? I was lucky enough to go to Zuffenhausen a couple of years ago. They had several of those, belonging to filthy rich oil sheiks, in the basement of their Porsche Classic shop. It was like seeing unicorns in the forest or something. I love those cars, truly, madly... deeply.

wearymicrobe Dork
5/31/13 11:42 p.m.
JamesMcD wrote:
wearymicrobe wrote:
Keith Tanner wrote: There was a black Countach that showed up at the Flyin' Miata Summer Camp a few years back. The owner was obviously the sort of guy who had the poster as a kid, he was in love with the car. None of the women were all that interested, but all the guys were fascinated by the car. After all, we'd all had the same poster... I've driven an NSX. It left me underwhelmed. So I'm going to nominate it.
I will nominate the Countach as the worst supercar ever made. Almost impossible to drive, let alone fit in, let alone see out of, even worse to service. Definitely on my to own list, but more then likely I would go Diablo before Countach.
Leno likes his Countach, and he used to daily it.

He has a fleet of mechanics and more cajones then me and I am willing to bet that a good bit of the car was modified for reliability.

I will stick to my vipers and look at Countach/Diablo's from afar longingly. Though I would love a Julpa if I could track one down.

icaneat50eggs Reader
6/1/13 9:44 a.m.

The first time I saw a countach I told my buddy it was a kit car because of the craptastic Interior. No way a real one would be that bad. The owner came unfreakingglued

Dr. Hess
Dr. Hess UltimaDork
6/1/13 10:24 a.m.
icaneat50eggs wrote: The first time I saw a countach I told my buddy it was a kit car because of the craptastic Interior. No way a real one would be that bad. The owner came unfreakingglued

Next time ask him: "Where'd you get those Lambo doors?"

Vigo UltraDork
6/1/13 1:17 p.m.
They weren't that fast (slower than the C4 of the same period)

Uhh, i consider you mostly wrong on this. I mean, keeping in mind that even the non-ZR1 Vette gained 85hp in the 'same period' (i.e. the time that their production overlapped), i still dont think a 96 lt4 vette is THAT much faster than an NSX, and im 100% sure that the TPI vette of 90-91 (which is closer to what i think you mean by same period) is actually significantly slower.

WilberM3 Dork
6/1/13 7:01 p.m.
wearymicrobe wrote: I will nominate the Countach as the worst supercar ever made. Almost impossible to drive, let alone fit in, let alone see out of, even worse to service.

we've got a customer with an 89 anniv edition coutach. i'm about 5'8" and my head hit the roof while the pedal placement threatened to break my hips. there seriously just is not a space for a human shaped object inside. awful. but it sounds awesome and will always be "that" car from the poster.

6/2/13 2:36 a.m.

I feel that there's a segment of the supercar realm where style and innovation can overcome other shortcomings. These are rolling works of art. This is why the Muira and the Countach will always be near the top of the all-time great supercars, even though a modern Civic Si can give 'em a run for their money at the track.

On the other hand, I feel that it would take a LOT of performance to make up for an otherwise uninspiring design. For example, I acknowledge that the Veyron is an unbelievable car even though I think it's rather hideous.

With that in mind, here's a few supercars that I think missed the mark. From what I understand, they all performed well, but not well enough to make up for the mundane designs, in my opinion.

Ferrari Mondial:

Ferrari Daytona:

TVR Tuscan (looks like a "future" car from a low budget sci fi film):

Porsche Panamera (It's HUGE! although I could be convinced that it's not, and was never intended to be, a supercar):

MadScientistMatt UltraDork
6/2/13 9:09 a.m.

Taking Tinnit's concept of failing to be exotic a bit further, how about a Consulier GTP?

Not only is the styling akward, the Consulier brand has zero name recognition, and the drivetrain is fished out of the Chrysler K-car parts bin. Your neighbors won't be impressed if you park one in the driveway; they'll just think you picked up a bizarre kit car. And unlike many cars here, that perception would only be stronger if they had a look under the hood!

Of course, it would mop the track with most of the cars mentioned in this thread...

fanfoy Reader
6/2/13 9:15 a.m.

Since the only reason to buy a Supercar is to be seen, I'm gonna go with anything that doesn't attract the eyes of the commoners. It can even be ugly as sin and have horrible quality, it doesn't matter. So it would be:

NSX: it looks like a pretentious Honda....which it is.

Any 911 based car: Does anyone notice 911's anymore

Ferrari Mondial: looks like the 4-seat version of the Fiero

Vigo UltraDork
6/2/13 11:21 a.m.
Not only is the styling akward, the Consulier brand has zero name recognition, and the drivetrain is fished out of the Chrysler K-car parts bin. Your neighbors won't be impressed if you park one in the driveway; they'll just think you picked up a bizarre kit car. And unlike many cars here, that perception would only be stronger if they had a look under the hood! Of course, it would mop the track with most of the cars mentioned in this thread...

And to top it all off, you cant even get MS to properly read its distributor pickup! /trolling, i definitely agree the uninformed would not think better of you if they saw you with one. hehe

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