These popped up on my local classifieds. 3 cars, 4 engines for $700. I wish I had a place to put them (and spare time for another project)!
In reply to ebonyandivory:
Pretty much. Last time I saw one was a couple years ago when a GRMer went balls out building one for the challenge.
There was a build where a guy was using a Honda V-4 motorcycle engine and making one rear wheel drive. It looked like it could be done with minimal body alteration. Anybody know if it ever got completed?
MrJoshua wrote: There was a build where a guy was using a Honda V-4 motorcycle engine and making one rear wheel drive. It looked like it could be done with minimal body alteration. Anybody know if it ever got completed?
I want to do that with a Honda CBX 6 cyl and the Z600 coupe version of this car.
There's a guy on the Locost USA site building something you might like:
I remember a Chevy dealer who also signed up to sell the early Honda cars on a whim. When they didn't sell he tried a gimick I've not seen before or since. He lined up all his 3/4 pickups in a row out front with a Honda in the bed of each one. He offered the truck buyer to throw in the Honda at "his cost" in case the buyer's truck ever had a problem, he'd have a "spare!"
Yes that's a true story! The dealership was Pendegrass Chevrolet in St. Matthews Ky.
Last time I saw one - actually it was two - they showed up at the San Diego autocross event but didn't participate. That's probably a good thing because both had been modified significantly, with cut-off roofs and had a cross section of the car between the back of the front seats and the rear panel removed, effectively shortening the car by like, a lot.
The driver could, without trying, reach back and check the exhaust mixture if he chose. The resulting wheelbase had to be less than 50", maybe less. They looked like a pair of matching rollerskates and must have been scary as hell to drive on the freeway. Much like these from the web... oy.
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