I've got some basic work I'd like to do on my 2011 Suzuki SX4. Trans fluid swap, some other basic things, and I'd like a shop manual to guide me along both now and in the future. I've never seen a print manual for these cars. Does anyone have a source for such a thing?
I checked the Helm, Inc. website and they don't show any listings for Suzuki. You can get an electronic version from Suzuki: https://suzukipitstopplus.com/Products/10186-2011-sx4-service-manual.aspx
In reply to stuart in mn:
Thanks, I'll try to get on that this weekend when I have time to utilize the manual. It's weird, it seems like the manuals for the cars built up to 2009 are easy to find. But the later 1st gen cars are very hard to find. There's also Chilton online manuals but that's attached to a time limited account.
hhaase, I did specify that this is a Suzuki, it's hidden in the "2011 Suzuki SX4" part of my first sentence.
In reply to stuart in mn:
I bought 1 day access to the manual at suzukipitstopplus.com and it never actually opens. I let my PC running Windows 7 and Chrome chew on that for an hour and all I get is the cover page to the manual. I've now asked my Mac to try it, just to see if it does any better.
Fingers crossed, may have to get in touch with customer service on Monday if this doesn't improve, and see what they can do. I really wish I could just buy a .pdf or print copy of the stupid thing. Bleh. Suggestions?
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