This is my last minute essay. I usually do things last minute. There is no other way to accomplish goals than to spend most of your time surfing GRM, post whoring, and then cram 10 hours of work into 3.5 minutes of quality halfassery. Ta da?
It would be nice if you were to take pictures of the banana peels and used coffee filters before you ship them out. Or... perhaps the recipients could post some after receiving them.
I still have a couple square inches of free space that needs to be filled lest somebody think they can leave any paperwork on my desk.
I'm excited. Do I need to clear space in my garage or plan a trip to the DMV? I'm hoping this thing needs to be titled and registered ;)
I should probably get some stuff from the GRM offices because I just came up with a reasonable idea on how to cram eight IHI RHB32 mini-turbos (from a Turbo Sprint) into a Poly 318. Individual turbo bodies! A terrible idea whose time, truly, has come.
Hopefully one of the spare things on Tom's desk is an IHI RHB32, because I've only found one in the yards so far. Maybe check under some papers or something, they're easy to lose.
As cool as it would be to have some authentic GRM office crap, just knowing that you guys are so awesome as to share your crap with others is enough for me. Plus, I do already have a kick ass hand built GRM canoe gift from Alan, which is displayed prominently in my home.
I'd like to throw my name in the hat, as well as mention that my standards for gifts are painfully low.
Clicky pen with GRM sharpie'd on the side?
I have four kids that steal my normal office swag. can you ship directly to my office so they don't see it?
It's hard to have anything car-related at your desk and call it crap. Car stuff is just cool and if you put it there in the first place, you must have thought so too at one time.(Although to be fair, a friend of mine in the office had some Fiero seat bolts sit on his desk for 6 months...and they were crappy).
If you pick my entry, I'll send you crap from my desk just to be fair.
I'll tell you what if you send me something I will send you something from my desk, I can give you a hint it is automotive related and may or may not be useful. Either will either weigh 10 ounces or 10 lbs but no inbetween. I'm not sure why I want something from your office other than it is free, I like free things, I have run a 5k for a lousy free t-shirt. It is an unexplainble desire to gain swag. This year I went to the Detroit Grand Prix on the free day just to aquire more crap to decorate my cube and/or small bedroom. Having been a subscriber and a frequent forum go-er, I always find my self citing GRM or avoiding the public while in line for a burrito, scanning the build threads or getting enabled to do something my wallet and free time will never forgive me for. I'm just thankful that I am not a BMW enthuasiast because when I read about E36 M3 builds or see the text in passing I have to do a double take and make sure it is not an edit or the actual E36 M3 car itself. It has perverted my brain and maybe just maybe a few times during the day I need a little reminder to distract me from my day job and view something more interesting to get me through the day until I leave the office for the day and drive my unicorn home to ultimately go work on one of my projects and post about my experiences with it here in attempt to win the internets.
PS: Because of this place I don't have cable because it distracts me from working on said projects.
Why my daddy deserves stuff from the GRM office, by Logan. (age 2.5)
My daddy used to have a fun car. It was an MR2. We called it senoir dos. It was old. And red. He worked on it a lot. I saw pictures of my big sister when she was a little girl and she was in the trunk! He used to go to the park and drive real fast in the parking lot. I would go with my mommy and watch him and we would play on the jungle gym together when he wasn't watching other cars and picking up the orange pointy things the other cars knocked over. He doesn't have it anymore. He says it's because he loves me more and thinks I should have clothes and food and Ninja Turtle stuff. But I think he misses it. I see him in the garage looking at the empty space where the car used to be and he looks sad. I think something to put in there to remind him would make him happy. He is a great daddy. I will trade you my Donatello mask.
Why do I deserve something from your office? Because I have seen the light!
Allow me to explain:
"Pre-Grassroots" I was a "wanklin small-blocker". If it wasn't spinning two triangles or stamped "Chevrolet" then I wasn't interested. There were efforts from your fellow subscribers to cure me of this ill (M4ff3w from San Antonio is a good example) but alas, their Alfas, Merkeurs, and hair-dressing Miatas could do little to sway me from my automotive-bigotry.
Then one day (and I don't even remember how) a free magazine showed up in my mail box, and there was light. I saw the light and it was good! A far cry, you might say, from the 383 stroking "Chevy High Performance" magazine I was receiving at the time.
Soon old subscriptions lapsed, but GRM continued. Soon no-piston forum memberships went unused, but GRM continued. SOON I was moved overseas into a land of eastern-bloc awesomeness, and GRM continued.
Now a new chapter has opened in my life. One where I'm back in the states, Land of Opportunity! Yet I find my garage time lacking... A toddler and senior projects keep me from my garage, days lapse without a Grassroots-magazine page being turned, my classic motorsports subscription is about to lapse, the Impala's tank sits completely dry, my Alfa project is gathering dust, and all I ask is a little something from your office. Something that you were going to throw away anyways. Just a little something so the light can continue to shine on the darkness that has crept its way into my garage.
Anything you can spare...
SnowMongoose wrote: I'd like to throw my name in the hat, as well as mention that my standards for gifts are painfully low. Clicky pen with GRM sharpie'd on the side? Sold.
Finally, someone understands the level of crap we have in our offices. (That said, I did put my lil Louisville Slugger in the mix, so at least there's one good thing. If you're a midget. No one gets my Johnny Bench Slugger, though...)
I got my stuff today!!!
I didn't expect something as cool as the secret GRM project car from 3 years ago!! Thanks tommy!!
Because after packing and unpacking 103 boxes and bins for my latest move, I need another box to open and more sh*t to find a spot for. And it would really annoy the heck out of my wife
Tom Suddard wrote: Oh, and Wally–your gift is for the Cavalier. Please install and send photos.
Sweet! I can't wait to...oh
In reply to 3brokenhondas:
I grew up an hour away from Cincinnati and fondly remember the Big Red Machine, but have to confess, as far as I'm concerned Pete Rose is still at bat in Riverfront Stadium and Roberto Clemente is still waiting to catch him out in right field. Now if I watch anything, it's our local minor league Cubs team.
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