So, after stupidly selling my Lincoln Pro MIG 175 a few years back, I've been on the lookout for a good deal on a welder. I just got notified that Hobart has their refurb'd Handler 190 back in stock...$529.99 plus $6.95 flat rate shipping.
The other option I've been considering is the Eastwood MIG 175 at $465.97, and if I'm patient for a "Daily Deal", might even qualify for free shipping (otherwise it's about $30 to ship). The Eastwood seems to be a good machine for the money, includes a spool gun (which may or may not get used), and has a three-year warranty. The Hobart doesn't have the spool gun and only has a 6-month warranty, but should be easy to find any parts needed at the local welding store.
Any thoughts/personal feedback?
The Eastwood was listed a $399.95 when I just checked it. That is pretty appealing and I have heard good things about Eastwood's customer service. But a good number of people needed that customer service.
I know I have been a big help.
It isn't what you asked for, but I have and love this guy:
In reply to spitfirebill:
Show me where it was listed for that. I can't find that price and I want one.
This has it at $399
I am torn. I do so love my Handler 180, but I also own a Eastwood TIG 200 and Plasma 60 and am impressed with them too.
If you're going to factor the warranty into the equation, also factor in where the warranty work can be performed, how it will need to get there and back, how much it will cost to do so, and who is responsible for paying for it.
As I read it, regardless of whether they decide to warranty the repairs or not, the Eastwood warranty requires you to pay to ship the welder there and back...Get ready to buy the BIG roll of stamps. Meanwhile, you may have a Hobart service center within reasonable driving distance.
Don't forget consumables.
You'll need liners, contact tips, gas nozzles, feed rollers and eventually a whole new whip.
Miller, Hobart, Lincoln etc all use name brand Tweco consumables.
A lot of those offshore machines require their own brand of consumables and they can be a PITA to find when they break or wear out.
My crappy 20 year old, used Miller Cricket needed a new whip last year, $120.00 at the local welding shop and I was ready to go again.
Also, Miller and Hobart have a serial number registry. If your welder gets stolen and comes in to a Miller service center for repairs, you'll get it back. Small thing I know but you never know if you'll need it.
IMHO, the most important thing to getting a welder is just to get one.
I got a Lincoln 175 quite a while ago- but it took me a few years to get up enough courage to try it. Once that happened, it's fun.
While I appreciate the concern about them breaking, I also don't think you will use it enough to break it- I still haven't, and did a car restoration.
The only other recommendation I would say- get one with gas already. Reading threads here- both can be done well, but with gas seems to be easier- or more correctly, less mistakes.
Just get it, get a decent (big window) helmet, and have fun.
I've had my Eastwood 175 for four years now and it has been great. It replaced a 110V Miller and I've never regretted it for a second. Uses all Tweco consummables so that's not an issue. It is easy to adjust and produces great welds. Never used the spool gun so I can't comment on that. I would go back to the Eastwood.
I've had a Handler 190 for a few years now, put a few 10lb spools of wire through it, and can't imagine how it could have performed better. Every time I turn it on, it just flat works, and I've yet to find a racecar related task it wasn't up to. I do everything from sheetmetal to roll cages to 1/4 plate, and it's always worked well.
Big, big plus side - consumables for a Hobart are available everywhere. If a hardware store stocks consumables, it's usually Hobart stuff.
Lincoln sells their refurbs through welding supply shops. They are demo units from race teams, repackaged with new accessories and a full warranty.
I bought a 180C for around $500, is the same power supply as the big box store 180 non commercial just with a better wire feeder. I love how it works for a small welder.
We use a Millermatic 180 everyday here. Picked up an Eastwood 175 as a secondary unit for the rare time we hit the duty cycle on the Miller.
Eastwood seems nice enough. Lot more plastic parts externally and internally. When we worked out of a shared space there was a Hobart, it was just fine. If I was just a hobbyist I'd probably save some money and get the Eastwood. Just take decent care of it. Spool gun works fine, but welding aluminum with it takes some getting used to according to my guys. Also the Eastwood uses a Felder (?) style gun so getting spare nozzles and tips at your local supply store is no big deal.
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