I did MS'd a Honda years ago (just the fuel side). Could not get the darn ignition to control. It worked great & was fun building , tuning & driving. That was using Honda f.I. parts from a newer motor though.
What is used for like the tps & fuel pump on a bike? Do you find parts from newer f.I. bikes or what? Or are there good new generic parts that can be adapted?
Following....so many great old bikes that could benefit from efi.
I'd probably still be riding my 2001 Bandit, but after 100k, the carbs where shot and I was unable to find cost-effective replacements.
I will say finding EFI throttle body setups isn't difficult from newer bikes...
i've dabbled with the idea of doing EFI on my F650 ST... I have a throttle body that would be perfect for it... just need to spend the money on the microsquirt... lol.
I too have thought about doing either a microsquirt or speeduino on my DRZ. Leaning towards the speedunio for the cost but the micro is smaller.
I'm in the process of converting my Seca 650 Turbo to fuel injection. I'm planning on using an AEM ECU because I have an extra. All of the intake manifold stuff is going to be custom and I decided to use a single throttle body since there's one tube coming from the turbocharger.
I've shot some video of the build so far but I haven't done anything about editing it yet. I may start a build thread and throw up some pictures since the YouTube plan has had zero progress.
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